Category: Pamie

  • Good Work.

    Last night I read the chapter on “Good Work” in the Monks of New Skete book. It says, “Rarely do people today seem to appreciate the relationship that work, even in its most allegedly menial forms, has with spirituality and with healthy living.” This chapter attempts to show that when we feel like we are…

  • New Entry

    Good Work. Giving you a taste of my current nightlife.

  • Do I hear five dollars?

    My book’s on eBay. Don’t tell my mom: she’s already bought three of them through eBay. “Mom, don’t you think they’ll recognize that we have the same last name?” I asked her. “I don’t care,” she said. “I got it for ten dollars!” On another one she bid until the auction price was thirteen, and…

  • Yay!

    Yay, Wendy! I am so proud of you!

  • Crazy Cat Lady Asks for Advice

    Okay, it’s a start. New year, new look. I’m just going to ignore all the ugly Sitemeter boxes in the past entries. Never look back! I’m also having a wraparound problem on the main page, but I’m tired of searching Blogger archives to try to solve it. Of course, I’ve done all this work and…

  • Crazy Cat Lady Asks For Advice

    It’s barely even a new entry. I’m testing out the new template while asking you for advice in keeping Taylor happy and healthy.

  • Cool.

    One down, a million pages to go. Please update your bookmarks. All new journal entries will be mentioned here.

  • Recap: The Osbournes

    The Show Must Go Oz!!! Why such excessive punctuation, MTV? Watch as Dan and I try to take over the entire main page of Television Without Pity. It’s rather impressive.

  • Gilmore Girls Recap Up

    It Rings A Bell — Why not use Episode 11 to advance the first few plotlines of the season? Lorelai is jealous of Luke’s continuing relationship with his wife, but doesn’t know how to tell him, so she picks fights instead. Rory thinks that guy who dissed her in the laundry room thinks she’s stalking…

  • Kelis Owes Me Royalty Checks

    Do you know how many people want to talk to me every day about the Milkshake song? A lot. A lot a lot. To where people like Annie are sending me links about the deconstruction of the lyrics of the song. is the official Milkshake headquarters. I do have nice boobs, though.