Category: Pamie

  • Flowers for Al and Don

    Want to send flowers to San Francisco, but can’t afford an entire bouquet? Flowers for Al and Don is accepting PayPal donations. That’s where I sent my money. The San Francisco Chronicle picked up the story. As did the Minneapolis Star Tribune.

  • New Entry

    Zoe Trope is a Dancing Queen. Watch me dork out in public. I really liked her book.

  • Zoe Trope is a Dancing Queen | Young and Sweet, Only Seventeen

    Zoe Trope — at first — might make you a little jealous. No. Wait. At the very first moment you learn of her, she might make you viciously angry, raging against the injustices of the world, that a fifteen-year old girl gets her memoirs published, her diaries made into a book with a Dave Eggers…

  • twin_cities: Flowers

    Lisa writes: If this isn’t worth of a Pamie PSA ™, I don’t know what is. Today a coworker of mine had a thought to send flowers to a random couple waiting in line at SF city hall. He called a florist and they agreed to do it. He told them to deliver to any…

  • Just a Number…

    Cal had a bad morning. We took him to the vet and he got a shot and he’s fine. If there’s one reason to love Cal’s lack of short-term memory, it’s that he’s never bitter when he gets back from the vet. In fact, you can watch him forget it just during the drive home.…

  • New Entry

    On getting older and wiser and irrationally afraid of death. Just a Number…

  • AB loves me.

    I got drunk-dialed last night by someone I hadn’t heard from in three years. It must be because AB reprinted my recent message to her.

  • The Sixth Annual Valentine’s Day Poems Entry

    I want you to know that I’m at a Starbucks next to my night job and I came here early with my computer just to write these for you. Why? Because I’m clearly in love with you more than I love myself. Like Wynonna, “I forgot to put myself on the list!” Kick it. [db]…

  • Cool Kids

    I wrote a piece about the Oakland Book Drive for I can’t say enough how proud I am of you guys.

  • New Entry

    It’s that time of the year again. The Sixth Annual Valentine’s Day Poems. Wow. Sixth. Who feels old now?