Category: Blog

  • punch drunk

    billy blanks beats me up Shh!  Listen!  Do you hear that?  That sort of high-pitched scream? That’s my thighs.

  • “dear diary”

    how three little dots changed my life I was testing out Microsoft’s html editor.  So far it’s a bit nicer than the Netscape one I was using.  But once I tried to look at it online it looked like crap.  I’m pissed off about it.  I’m getting a bit tired of the way my entries…

  • giddie-yow!

    why i need vacation training I need to learn how to take a vacation. I get so excited in advance.  “This weekend is going to totally rock!”  (Yeah, I still say “totally,” I used to live in Palm Springs, give me a break…)  Then I work really hard to get all of my stuff done…

  • pearls and poodles

    both cross the line And like that, we’re already a quarter into the year. So I’m driving to rehearsal yesterday and I hear on the radio, “Dude!  Can you play the new Pearl Jam song?”

  • old friends

    the best kind of surprise phone call In case there were any worries, I’m not planning to end my site any time soon.  I see this has been a trend in the online journal community lately, and there seems to be something in the air once we get to the end of each month (“ih. …

  • ticket to ride

    pamie gets her motor runnin’ Yesterday I did something I’ve never done before. I drove a race car.

  • oh, baby baby

    oh, baby baby

    she’s just a baby Because it’s about time I talked about her. Because I’m tired of hearing about her. Because I can’t get her damn song out of my head. I shall share my pain with you.  This pain is known as Britney Spears.

  • help!

    i spill my guts out and billy blanks yells at me Hold on.  I need more coffee. Okay.  I’m ready now.

  • shhh!

    i need a new head Shh. Everyone.  Just… shhh…

  • needing some neosporin

    martha stewart, i’m not We got new sheets this weekend. I was tired of flannel sheets.  I was tired of the way they collected hair and lint and fur and little bits of black things that I didn’t want to reflect on.  I was tired of sweating during my naps.  I was tired of feeling…