Category: Blog
punch drunk
billy blanks beats me up Shh! Listen! Do you hear that? That sort of high-pitched scream? That’s my thighs.
“dear diary”
how three little dots changed my life I was testing out Microsoft’s html editor. So far it’s a bit nicer than the Netscape one I was using. But once I tried to look at it online it looked like crap. I’m pissed off about it. I’m getting a bit tired of the way my entries…
why i need vacation training I need to learn how to take a vacation. I get so excited in advance. “This weekend is going to totally rock!” (Yeah, I still say “totally,” I used to live in Palm Springs, give me a break…) Then I work really hard to get all of my stuff done…
pearls and poodles
both cross the line And like that, we’re already a quarter into the year. So I’m driving to rehearsal yesterday and I hear on the radio, “Dude! Can you play the new Pearl Jam song?”
old friends
the best kind of surprise phone call In case there were any worries, I’m not planning to end my site any time soon. I see this has been a trend in the online journal community lately, and there seems to be something in the air once we get to the end of each month (“ih. …
ticket to ride
pamie gets her motor runnin’ Yesterday I did something I’ve never done before. I drove a race car.
oh, baby baby
she’s just a baby Because it’s about time I talked about her. Because I’m tired of hearing about her. Because I can’t get her damn song out of my head. I shall share my pain with you. This pain is known as Britney Spears.
needing some neosporin
martha stewart, i’m not We got new sheets this weekend. I was tired of flannel sheets. I was tired of the way they collected hair and lint and fur and little bits of black things that I didn’t want to reflect on. I was tired of sweating during my naps. I was tired of feeling…