Category: Dan

  • dan loves Lucinda Williams so much right now he’d risk all his pride to see her again

    Please please please understand, I don’t even think I like country music. And I don’t. I don’t think. I don’t like it. Not in the conventional, twangy, my-dog-done-died-from-drinkin’-my-moonshine kind of way. And on a more modern level, I sure don’t dig me no Toby Keith, but that’s more for political reasons, even though it didn’t…

  • Psychosomatic or head over the toilet…am I getting the flu?

    I had to stop eating my lunch and throw it out without finishing it a few hours ago, and I haven’t eaten a thing since. This is particularly odd behavior, as I’m in the middle of recapping, an activity that usually finds me eating everything I get my hands on in a bid to maintain…

  • Dan reports on, “Things I can’t do right now”

    You want geeking out? Babe, I’m posting this from a connection in Dallas/Fort Worth. I WIN. No one ever said air travel was a mad hoot, probably because a) it’s not and b) “mad hoot”? The hell? Up here, 39,000 feet above the states some ethnocentric urbanite with a distinct lack of wanderlust named “the…

  • Dan eats something that makes him very bad

    A lot of very highbrow, very expensive people I work with were in town this weekend. I didn’t open my wallet once. I stayed at a hotel in my home city. I ordered and consumed a $24 personal pizza. I ate veal face. People, I ate veal face. On Saturday night, four of us went…

  • dan checks in from the road

    I’m sitting in a hotel in midtown in the city that I live in. I’ve already charged over $50 to my room, because the people who put me here can afford it. Excuse me while I go mail some pointless letters to friends I haven’t seen in a while. After that, maybe I’ll order a…

  • dan recaps that he recapped a recap

    New Bachelor recap is up. I don’t even feel that bad that it’s so short, because it’s the reunion special and nooooooothing happened. Congressional filibuster? No. Dumont Network? Well, yes. I’m going to be in New Haven all day tomorrow. Anyone in New Haven wants to come and meet for snacks, you give me or…

  • and, just now…

    “For a guy who once equated gayness with bestiality, he’s awfully familiar with…the theater.” Jon Stewart, about Rick Santorum, in a story about –wait for it — filibusters.

  • dan asks, “does this ever happen to you, happen to you, happen to you?”

    When you have a job that requires writing approximately 6,000 words a day and you’ve been doing it with some level of consistency since October of 1999, you (if by you, you mean “me”) start to fall into some familiar patterns to get you (again, “me”) out of trouble just when you start to think…

  • dan wants to tell you something about nice

    This is the one that just about broke my heart. I wrote this song — this entire scene, in fact — during a period of otherwise crippling inactivity quite some time ago. In an airport. In Philadelphia. Where I had driven to pick up a freelance interior decorator and drive her to a furniture store…

  • dan reviews pamie’s favorite guest spot

    To all concerned industry power players: Pamie and I now come as a package deal. She can be on The Daily Show as long as I’ve written the jokes for the opening news segment. As a staff writer. On The Daily Show. Thank you in advance. It would be the ultimate in Fun Stuff. A…