Author: Pamie
pamie’s job gets to her brain. what are you doing there? dammit. Staff meetings. The beginning of the end of my sanity. I try and keep calm here at work, but once I get told that someone is doing something wrong and since someone else is doing something inappropriate, we are all going to be…
about the weather
will the storm bring new life into pamie? Woo-hoo! check it out! (I realize that if you dawdled to this page, you may not see an accurate link, but it’s supposed to rain for the next four days. Like, storm, which hasn’t happened in, like, forever.) Rain. Wonderful rain coming this weekend. So excited. So…
it’s hard being the dancing queen
That’s what I was all set to write about yesterday. I was going to talk about Sunday’s wedding reception and how people who don’t normally get on the dance floor become Michael Flatley the second cake is served. But then my car broke down, and I don’t feel like writing about being the stage queen…
pamie gets invited to the bachelor party
“Some boys take a beautiful girl and hide her away from the rest of the world. I want to be the one to walk in the sun. Oh, girls, they wanna have fun. Oh, girls just wanna have fun.” — Cyndi Lauper, “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun So I didn’t go to Girls’ Night Out.…
here comes the bride
hold onto your hats…and bouquets… and programs… and that three-year old, where’d he go? My friends’ wedding was a complete success. It was darn close to being a total disaster. It was an outdoor wedding, and it was probably 103 degrees when we all got to the church in wool and polyester and pantyhose and…
but i’ve always been abnormal
karma, n. 1. Hinduism, Buddhism. action seen as bringing upon oneself inevitable results, good or bad, either in this life or in a reincarnation. 2. (loosely) fate or destiny. — karmic, adj. It’s only fitting that after mocking my gynecological exam last week that I should get the phone call this morning. That’s how things…
“nothin’ to see here” So…we wrote a really funny sketch at rehearsal yesterday. It really is funny. I think people will like it. The rub? It requires total nudity. Watch as pamie’s spine shrivels into the back of her neck… I just can’t do it. Now, look, I’ve thought a lot about it and everything,…
boys on film
righteous dude ferris and power lloyd duke it out Growing up in the eighties gave young girls two types of men to look for in a future mate. Two films divided what type of girl you were and what type of guy you wanted. Those two films are Ferris Bueller’s Day Off and Say Anything……
geek girls don’t cry
don’t tell me i’ve got to be bummed about my breasts I am all apologies. I had no idea my web page looked like shit if you were looking at it through Microsoft Internet Explorer. Damn. Damn. Damn. For those of you who never got to read “I Lived With John Travolta” it is now…
momma, i’m comin’ home
birthday cake and ulcers So I’m off to Houston to visit my mom tomorrow. Or tonight. I haven’t decided when I’m leaving. If it was up to my mother, I would have left yesterday to come and see her, but I do have a show tonight. But the A/C is out in my car, and…