Author: Pamie

  • I’ve Met Pamie

    see if you’ve made my club I’ve mentioned before that I’ve moved around a lot. I have. Before I started school we used to move every six months. Luckily, that is no longer the case, and being on my own gives me the leisure to move when I’m good and ready, dammit. This entry today…

  • tardy

    why i hate being late and why i can’t stop I detest lateness. I hate being tardy. I was always on time in school, I hate being late for a movie, late for a party, late paying the rent, the bills, whatever. I am on time for rehearsal consistently. Then answer me this: Why, why,…

  • a few obsessions

    sometimes it takes all day to say a little Every time I have gone to start typing today something has taken me away from it. For some reason I am busier this week at work than I usually am. I’m not complaining. I’m just stating some facts. I am in love with hissyfit. You should…

  • don’t be ronin my dreams

    i see a movie and debate my future. like that’s anything new. I saw Ronin last night. I liked it. I decided I liked it, which means the film had some flaws… but I guess I liked it. It was funny, because you could tell that they wanted you to know you were watching experienced…

  • shoulda, coulda, woulda.

    an object at rest tends to get lucky. Today is a very lazy day. I have rehearsal this evening, so I’m taking this afternoon kinda easy. I accomplished my cleaning goals yesterday, so there’s not much to pick up around here… I’m supposed to be learning lines for a sketch… I should call my mother…

  • dust and sweat

    airing out my closets I’m in the middle of housecleaning right now, and I needed a break. So as I sit here, there’s sweat dripping down my neck and circling around my waistband. I’m going to mention again that it is almost October, but yet it’s hot enough outside that a little garbage detail can…

  • waiting for beer

    i’m thinking about theatre. look out. The moment that I realized that I had a grown-up job was when I woke up on a Friday, drove to work, met some co-workers at the door and we all shouted “It’s Friday!” with our hands in the air “raising the roof.” Friday used to be just another…

  • baby, you can drive my car

    just don’t drive me crazy I took the afternoon off yesterday, and slept. I just kept sleeping. So today I feel much better. Happy pamie. Happy nervous pamie. I called the doctor’s office today because they were supposed to send me all this information on what’s going to happen to me in a couple of…

  • sing it, sister

    pamie tries karaoke. will she ever go back? I had never tried Karaoke before. My friends had decided that last night was Karaoke night and threatened to never speak to me again if I didn’t go. So I talked Eric into going, and we said we’d be there. I asked where this place was, and…

  • i suck at fighting

    it’s not something i’m proud of The art of fighting. I am very, very bad at it. I always have been, it’s nothing new. I guess I’m getting better though. Eric hasn’t seen the way I used to fight. I’ll tell you what, though, I’m out of practice. Eric and I rarely have a fight.…