Author: Pamie
chihuahuas can talk
and other things i learned from my grandmother It occurs to me that I’ve never mentioned my grandmother. I think this is because it may take a while to tell you everything. This weekend my mom was up for Mother’s Day, and she went to see our play (Austinites! Only two weeks left to see…
music, panties, rushmore, and shel In honor of the “lost” Beatles song that has been uncovered and is scheduled to be released this summer for some sort of Yellow Submarine hype, I’ve decided to uncover lost Squishy entries– entries that never saw it to the website for one reason or another. Sometimes I never finished…
concept piece
why we’re brilliant Eric has come up with a new pill that you can take to get you out of uncomfortable situations with your significant other. The concept of the pill is that as soon as you say something that you shouldn’t have, or you dig yourself in a hole, your body instantly shuts itself…
the name game
how i became pamie My name was almost Amanda. That’s what my mother wanted to name me. Amanda. Well, maybe I would have been called Mandy. I knew a few Amandas growing up, one of which got the horrible nickname “May-May.” (I’ve lived in the deep south, as you can see). My father was the…
traffic talk
why i shouldn’t be left alone for long periods of time setting: pamie’s brain. Yesterday afternoon. place: her car, stuck in a traffic jam time: just after work. Man. It’s hot. It’s really hot. Just in here, though. I have got to get my air conditioning fixed. I can’t believe I went through the entire…
punch drunk
billy blanks beats me up Shh! Listen! Do you hear that? That sort of high-pitched scream? That’s my thighs.
“dear diary”
how three little dots changed my life I was testing out Microsoft’s html editor. So far it’s a bit nicer than the Netscape one I was using. But once I tried to look at it online it looked like crap. I’m pissed off about it. I’m getting a bit tired of the way my entries…
why i need vacation training I need to learn how to take a vacation. I get so excited in advance. “This weekend is going to totally rock!” (Yeah, I still say “totally,” I used to live in Palm Springs, give me a break…) Then I work really hard to get all of my stuff done…
pearls and poodles
both cross the line And like that, we’re already a quarter into the year. So I’m driving to rehearsal yesterday and I hear on the radio, “Dude! Can you play the new Pearl Jam song?”