Thanks for the link, Whitney!
It’s Day Five of the book drive, and we’ve sent 451 books, and over $2700 to two libraries in need (not counting the Glarkware Dewey t-shirts, which will be tallied once the NoN sale is over). I’m hoping we can hit $3000 today for Rockhouse, and 525 books for CI.
I’ve been seeing Dewey’s face on many of your blogs, and I know you’ve been telling your friends and co-workers, and I just wanted to take a second to thank you again. Dewey only works with the generosity and power of other people.
…but um, a heck of a lot more than 177 people come here every day. Is it the weather keeping you from clicking? When you click a button, your hands warm up. And when you send a book to a kid who needs one? You feel so warm and happy inside.
Is it that you hate kids? Or books? You know, if you hate kids, send money to the Rockhouse Foundation. Those kids are way over there. Also, your book will help them grow up, which means they’ll stop being kids and start being… what do you call them, “people?” Is that when you recognize them as entities? Fine. So if you send a book, you’re telling a kid, “Here. You’re gonna need this. Welcome to adulthood.”
Like when I read Where the Red Fern Grows and I thought I was reading a sweet story about a boy and his hunting dogs. Then I got to the end. Bam.
How about a textbook? That never makes a kid all that happy. I mean, there’s work to do inside that thing. If you really hate kids, I suggest you send $50 to the Rockhouse Foundation, or you send an A-B-C book to a little-little kid. Nothing bums a kid more than having to sit still and learn when it’s nice outside.
If you hate books, you obviously love money. Because when you love books, you don’t usually have much money due to the love of books. So if you really love your money, and you hate books, you should send $100 to the Rockhouse Foundation.
Here’s why.
1. That looks so cool, when you drop that Benjamin just like that. (Or MegaEuro or SuperPeso, or whatever it is your country uses).
2. You can specify your donation and say, “Not books. I’m buying a chair, or a shelf or whatever is in that library that is NOT a book because I hate books.” (… you really could do that.)
3. Everybody will have to admit that even though you hate books, you’re not a total asshole.
Book haters and kid loathers, I’ve given you plenty of reasons to donate to Dewey today. Give it a shot. I never said you had to use the site for Good. Just use it.