Month: January 2006
I drank my Shiner, called Texas a few times, and taught Dan how football works. [Pam: “I can teach you everything you need to know about football in four minutes.” Dan: “Yeah, I do believe I read a book about it?“] Anyway, all of this post is to say: Suck it, Kamenetzky. Don’t email me…
waitin’ on the big game
(photo: stee learns how you listen to sports in the south) It took a billion hours to get home last night because every airport in this country is stuffed with Longhorns. It’s hard to get pissy when everyone’s in burnt orange, all trying hard to get to your hood. Welcome back to the East side, Horns.…
three strangers hate me (and another just hates my sins)
New Year. Full of promise. Fresh and pure as the driven blah blah bleeeeeeeeeeee. Suck it, 2006. Let me tell you what’s already gone wrong. Make a pot of coffee. And that resolution you made about drinking less coffee? Eff it. Seriously. Eff it right along with the one about calling people back and how…
LA to L.A.
Thank you, Chao Camp: Fireworks and darts. Walks on the levee with Mad. Outdoor showers and gossiping through another bottle of wine. The Poor Bastards, and their band with lots of heart. Teasing stee for being such a city boy. Disappearing behind camo. Crawfish. Lots of crawfish. Chris jamming on the drum machine. Our amazing…