three random pictures

It’s been a busy-ass couple of weeks, so indulge me this blog post of three totally unrelated visual images.



Since I have to admit to myself that it will be a bit more time before I move into my house in the Valley with my husband and our adopted Sri Lankan tsunami refugee baby, I will until such time take solace in the existence of my perfect niece and nephew, Samantha and Ethan. This is Thanksgiving Day at my mom’s house, where we were apparently posing for the publicity still of our upcoming WB sitcom, Uncle Dan, His Adorable Family, and the Rainbow-Striped Dog That Dan’s Mom Apparently Didn’t Realize Was a Gay Pride Symbol When She Bought it for the Kids. Cute show.



Potes has started a folksy folk band that will make you want to move to New England and be folksy near them.


dan kim.jpg

The girl of my dreams. We shall marry and, against all odds, name our children “Immaculately” and “Conceived.”

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