Month: May 2005

  • Yo, yo, my new

    Yo, yo, my new

    Yo, yo, my new anthology Bookmark Now drops tomorrow, bitches! It’s pretty cool to read a Virtual Book Tour where your name is occasionally mentioned as a high point. [Notifying LA residents — I will be at the Skylight Books portion of the book tour.]

  • Cool Kids, Take Eight (final edition)

    [readermail] Pam: Things are tight right now, but I did donate $20.00 for the cause. It’s not much, but it’s better than nuthin’. Jon [/readermail]

  • We did it!

    [readermail] Pamie, I just donated $90 to reach the total goal. I had to donate again — it bugs to be so close to the finish and not quite there. Thanks, Michelle [/readermail] Thanks to Michelle for pushing us to the finish line, and thanks to all of you who helped make’s 2005 book…

  • book drive update

    $1641 left and then I can try and write something funny here again. Not that I don’t love posting your email and raising close to ten grand in school kits, but this place needs some levity. Please let’s reach the goal so I can write about… what? Cat puke? Running? Editing my book? Hmm. Please…

  • cool kids, take seven

    [readermail] Hi, Pam! First of all, I just donated $25 to Asha. I hope to donate more when a new paycheck comes my way, as I’ve just made a couple lovely tuition payments that shrunk my checking account more than I would’ve liked. Secondly, I haven’t read any Palahniuk though I know I should. I…

  • a short conversation

    [scripty] Pam Hello? Todd Hey, Pam. It’s Todd. Pam Hey. Todd I, uh, I read your story in the Cold Feet book. Pam Oh, wow. Hey, thanks. Todd Yeah. Pam That makes you officially the only person to have read it. Todd No. Pam Other than stee and people who are paid to read it?…

  • missing shiny pretty thing

    According to my Amazon wish list, some kind person purchased the new Queens of the Stone Age album for me, perhaps for my birthday. I rarely check on purchased gifts, so I don’t know how long ago this one might have been purchased, but it’s at the top of the list, so I’m assuming it’s…

  • Book Drive Status

    One week later, we’ve raised over $8919, with over 1500 school kits on their way to Kancheepuram. We’re so close to the final goal!

  • Cool Kids, Take Six

    [readermail] Pamie(.com), Thanks for organizing this drive–and thanks for letting me be a cool kid. Kerri [/readermail]

  • babbling while the coffee’s brewing

    Oh, so tired. I’m writing an entry because my last one had such a dirty word in it, twice, and whenever that’s at the top of the page I know that’s the day Mom settles down to catch up on some I don’t want to hear her tsking from three time zones away. But…