Month: August 2004
Turning House to Home
Still no DSL. I’m waiting for the dial-up to finish downloading email. With 367 pieces of spam and growing, I may be waiting for some time. We painted the living room/dining room. We moved in the plants. We unpacked some of the books and all of the CDs. It is now starting to look like…
I Suddenly Have a Lot of Keys
The letter from a San Diego librarian kept reappearing while packing up the old house. I didn’t know what to do with it, or where to put it, so it was circling the house until it was one of the last five things boxed up. There are always those last three boxes of crap that…
last day in silverlake
Howard Stern is on and we’re drinking coffee while writing, our morning ritual, but I’m on the floor and the computer’s resting on an overturned laundry basket. stee’s in his underwear because we forgot to turn on the only collection of clothes last night before we went to sleep. We woke up to dirty clothes…
We’re like a bunch of Anna Paquins around here, “But we love the piano! We want the piano! We need the piano!” But the piano, it will not fit in the new house. It’s been stee’s piano since he was five. This makes me love the piano even more intensely, probably because I don’t have…
Four on the floor. Or five, really, counting Olive.
We gave away our couch and chair to Out of the Closet today. That made a lot more sense before I realized we still had another two days to live in the house. We’re sitting on the floor, watching the Olympics. This is another one of those “sink pasta” moments that will be incredibly romantic…
when a blogger meets a blogger…
I’m at a Borders writing in my blog while looking at Wil Wheaton who just so happened to have been reading inside this store about his book that he got from his blog. He has no idea the meeting of the blogs that is taking place right at this very moment.
I Understand Where Jason Was Coming From
This has been a most unpleasant Friday the 13th. I wrote a story when I was nine about a kid who had the worst day of his life (bad test grade, grounded by parents, little sibling gets awesome present), only to figure out it was due to the date. Here I am, twenty years later,…
I have learned that I cannot be online when I’m working on the book. Here’s proof. In the past hour I discovered that an anime series I wrote the dub scripts for years ago was released this year. I tracked down my old boss and called her. She promises they used a completely new script…