haiku for the hungover
Good-bye party fun.
All my good friends showed up there.
They made me feel good.
we played poker late.
i think tequila was there.
hey i won twelve bucks.
I wanted Katz’s.
And now there’s delivery!
Yankee Pot Roast! Woo!
I called the deli.
They discriminate, you know.
My zip code is bad.
Since I was pouty
Mical got me Chinese food
Then I felt better.
I had some weird dreams.
My mansion was on fire.
I saw Lillith run.
The fire fixed her.
She was healthy again.
She was running fast.
I was so happy
I didn’t mind my burnt house.
I had my kitty.
Woke up to Taylor
pushing his fuzzy face to
the top of my head.
No more MSG
Well, not that late anyway.
I think that did it.
Eric is taking
me out to lunch right now. He
suggested Katz’s.
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