basket case.

i obsess over my music quotient

ANNOUNCEMENT: From here on out I will stop referring to my boyfriend as “My boyfriend” and just go by his real name. For christ’s sake I sound like I’m thirteen. His name is Eric. There. Eric. We will now refer to him as Eric. Is that so hard?

Every day I come to work with a basket full of CD’s. It really is a basket. It’s that neon rave green and kind of swiss cheesy-holed… it’s from the container store. Anyway, it has a handle and it’s held up for over a year and I never forget to take it to work with me.

What I do forget, however, is to change out the CD’s periodically, and sometimes I get stuck with a CD in my case every flippin’ day.

You must know that I honestly have three hundred CDs at home, but for some reason I only cart around these twelve or so. I have a 50 disc player at home, and that messes things up, because every once in a while I’ll bring a new CD in the case and I get it here to work and I open it up and it’s an empty jewel case. And that sucks because I’ve psyched myself up for some new tunes.

But if we take a look at what’s in my CD basket right now and it’s current status in my case maybe you’ll understand what I’m going through:


Abbey Road, the Beatles
–two weeks, picked up to settle an argument if there was actually a song called “Allright” on there (the one sampled in the Beastie Boys’ “Sound of Science” on Paul’s Boutique). If there’s two things you shouldn’t argue with me about it’s the Beastie Boys and the Beatles. I won. The song is called “The End,” just as it’s always been called.

Big Night, the soundtrack
–two days. Just got this CD back from the pawn shop (LA was expensive, guys) and I missed that “Mambo Italiano” song by Rosemary Clooney. Unfortunately, it will be in my head for six weeks now, and I will have to give the CD back to my boyfriend–ahem. Eric.

Swingers soundtrack
–two days. See above. This one will go away because Eric will catch on that I am taking it to work every day and he will swipe it back. Fine. Be that way.

Crooklyn, the soundtrack.
–four weeks. Okay, okay. I have a big thing for Soundtracks. This one has some great Motown classics on it. Plus it’s one of my least offensive albums that I carry in my case, so if there’s a lot of people in my office (which often happens) I just whip this out and everyone is happy and shaking their asses.

Rubberneck, the Toadies
–two days. One of the retrieved CD’s. I just hadn’t heard that “Tyler” song in a while and I like to sing it at the top of my lungs. “SHE PULLS THE COVERS TIGHTER” Rock on. This CD will probably have a small shelf life in my basket, however.

Life’s Rich Pageant, R.E.M.
IRS Years Vintage 1986 Import
–two weeks. I’ve yet to listen to it here at work, but it makes me happy to carry it around. This is the release that has their beautiful version of “Dream” from the Athens, GA film that no one has seen. My favorite REM album. I’ll probably carry it around for another month.

Why Do Birds Sing?, Violent Femmes
–seven weeks. I can get away with playing this one at work, but I think I’ve played it, like twice. It is saved for happy bouncy times, and I haven’t had one of those in a while.

The Colour and the Shape, Foo Fighters
–over one year. Winner of the most often played CD in my office. I love this CD. If you do not own it, you should. Eric gets upset about this because we don’t play it at home enough now. Too bad. I got it first.

Rage Against the Macine, RATM
–three months. If you can’t scream “Fuck you I won’t do what you tell me” at work, when where can you scream it? Perfect for those angry days where I want to keep people at arm’s length.

Mother’s Milk, The Red Hot Chili Peppers
–two months? probably more. I just love the hell out of this album, and it’s good working music. Keeps me bopping. I have successfully played this CD enough that it no longer reminds me of high school, and I think that’s a damn good thing.

Airbag/How Am I Driving?, Radiohead
an EP
–two months. I’ve kept it in here since I bought it, since Eric isn’t so jazzed about Radiohead.

OK Computer, Radiohead
–since it was released. So I have to listen to all of my Radiohead at work or in my car alone.

The Bends, Radiohead
–off and on, one year. All of my Radiohead. But I don’t mind. I get all maudlin at work anyway, and this is the perfect stuff for working on the web. I love Radiohead. I hope you do, too.

Pisces Iscariot, Smashing Pumpkins.
–when did this get in here? I must have been in a grumpy headachey mood. That’s when I listen to this, and the current CD that’s in the player right now:

Adore, Smashing Pumpkins.
–two months. I like Billy Corgan when he isn’t trying to be a rock star. He should just admit that he’s a sissy. Get it over with and write me another “Today,” dammit. Quit all your whining about rats and cages. You aren’t Metallica and you can’t be. Now get our your acoustic guitar and tell me about some girl who broke your heart. And you better not call her a bitch, either. You’d better realize you’re a better man for having known her and if only there was another woman out there just like her waiting for you.

Grosse Pointe Blank, Soundtrack.
–three months. Soundtracks, anyone? This one is the coolest. The Clash, The Specials, The English Beat… it’s like spending the afternoon with Lloyd Dobler. Anyway, this one is close to my heart because it has “I Can See Clearly Now the Rain Is Gone” on it, and that was the song the nurse sang to my mother when my head popped out after 36 hours of labor. 36 hours of labor. Give that woman a medal.

The Smiths, the Smiths
–two days. I also take time at work to try and start to like Eric’s music. This is one of his favorite bands. I want to like his music, just as I really want to like football game after football game. But I’ve found that just as I can watch a Steelers game, but the Jacksonville game immediately following makes me a little nauseous from all the crowds screaming, seven songs of Morrisey’s voice in a row makes my eyebrows hurt. Then I start pulling them out and then I’m not pretty anymore and I start sounding like a Smiths song. “The Girl with the Eyes with No Hair.”

Live Through This, Hole
–four months. The best CD I’ve swiped from Eric’s collection. I did not know that I liked the band. I like the band a lot. I like to sing loudly and that’s what Courtney does. Another good late-in-the-work-day album.

Weezer, Weezer
–four months. I could listen to this album all day long. I love it so. I wish Weezer had more than two albums because I sound like a freak listening to the same twenty-four songs all the time. This is a safe one to take to work as well. I mean, who does Weezer offend?

Crazysexycool, TLC
–five months. I’m pretty sure that I’m the only person that asked for this album for her birthday…this year, and I’m pretty sure I’m the only person who received this CD as a gift this year. It rocks the hiz-ouse. These girls don’t sing about making love. They sing about fuckin’. And that’s what I like in my music. Extremes.

Hot, Squirrel Nut Zippers
–three weeks. Enter obligatory swing CD here. I just don’t have any others, and I do like “Put a Lid On It.” I’m a bit tired of the album though. There’s not enough fire in it.

Lost Highway, the (say it with me) “soundtrack”.
–six days. I don’t know how this ended up in here again, because I don’t even really like it, but it does have a few quirks: Marilyn Manson doing “I Put a Spell on You.” David Bowie. Trent’s last hurrah before he disappears completely.

Anthology 3, the Beatles.
–nine months? Keep me happy for two hours with this double set. It’s the White Album, Let it Be, and more. I love “Los Paranoias.”


So I have all these albums and then I get to work and I don’t want to hear any of it, and I just want some Billy Joel or something. It never fails. So I listen to the Foo Fighters one more time.

It’s not that I don’t have a million other choices, I just get so bored quickly with what I have. I wish I was excited about new music.

This has been another saga in a continuing series where pamie obsesses that she is getting older and dumber. Support your local artists.

I apologize right now for the lamitude of this entry. I feel terrible today. Bad headache. Kind of grumpy. Sorry. More of the hilarity and quality you’ve come to expect from me tomorrow. Promise.

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