
This is just a quick one to tell you we hit the AP national wire. If you happen to catch the article in your local papers this week, would you let me know? My mom has a drawer where she likes to keep my clippings.

[EDITED TO ADD: And check out CNN, where you can see pictures of the Amazon boxes!

And on this link it appears you’ve been sent to something called “The Crack Channel” with a longer article (in addition to a quote from me).] ]

Here’s how Hollywood Cool I am today. I was invited and then uninvited to Dustin Hoffman’s house. His son was having a party with lots of bands, and my friend’s boyfriend is the singer for one of the bands. So, technically it was Dustin Hoffman’s son’s party. But I was on the guest list. Of 400 people.

Then I get the call this morning from Jessica. “You’re off the list.”

Take off the Tootsie outfit, Pam. We’re not going.

But I’m wearing my Moonlight Mile earrings.

I had on my Family Business shoes.

I’m sorry. This other girl with the band invited sixty people and we can’t get in touch with her.

So I’m off the list? Just like that?

I really wanted you to come.

I was going to have sex in Dustin Hoffman’s closet! It’s all I wanted in life.

And I wanted that dream for you. But I’ll take Polaroids of the house, if they don’t beat me up and smash my camera.

I’m off the list.

I’m really sorry.

What kind of Yoko are you?

I know.

Yoko would have had those sixty people killed so we could get back on the list. You’re really more like a Cynthia.

No! I don’t want to be Cynthia!

But you really are more like Cynthia, all left on the train. And you get to have Julian.

That’s only fun for the first few years. Then Julian got really depressing.

That’s true.

Can’t I be Linda?

You do have the photography thing going on, with the Polaroids.

I know! I’m Linda!

Promise me you won’t go anywhere near a keyboard.

You got it.

More books have been donated, but people have been asking to just be added to the list, rather than getting their emails reprinted here. So, check the donor list to see the current tally.

Happy Memorial Day, everybody.

Just finished

Honey Don’t. This book just wasn’t my thing. Presidential scandals, police investigations, gay football players, horny reporters, mobsters and a blow-job loving skank. I know four out of five of you just clicked that link.

Also finished

The Song Reader. I’m meeting Lisa this Friday, as she’s another author in the Downtown Press line. I read the entire thing yesterday. And I was gone for most of the day. For those of you who love small towns with big secrets and sisters and Lucinda, you’ll probably enjoy this.

Karma Police alert

For those of you familiar with TranceJen, she’s looking for a little help.

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