play on

I’m hyper. Hyper. Sugar good. Very good.

Honestly, I don’t know how anyone works without it. I tried when I was in my Atkins phase. That sucked. And I’ve just committed myself to the fact that I kind of like that sugar high. I don’t do drugs or anything, so allow me the feeling of a nice sugar high combined with a caffeine head rush.


I just ran around the hallway at work. I can’t stand sitting still all day here at work. Chained to the phone. I want to have a job where I see different faces and I use creativity and I make people laugh and we do “lunches.” Computers and comedy…somehow they don’t seem to mix around here, and I end up looking like the dork. “But she’s funny.”

I saw Citizen Kane last night. I had never seen it before. Unfortunately I already knew the ending going in, since it is one of the most popular movies of all time, so the whole mystery was a little ruined for me… but damn, it was a fine movie. I had no idea Orson Welles was such a good looking man as a youngster. I always saw him during his “sell no wine before it’s time” years, and never saw what his charm and appeal was. The film was followed by North By Northwest. Can you fit two more charming and charismatic men into one night? I was ready to swoon. I miss that about our films today. We don’t seem to have those gentlemen anymore…those men who always had the fine suit, the right drink, who lit your cigarette, who made your toes curl from the smell of him.

Not that I can smell these men on the screen, but I have a great imagination. These days it’s about a cute face, not charisma. I guess there’s a couple of actors out there that do that, but it’s just a few. Suave. That’s what’s missing. That slinky, cool, walk. That dangerous look. That villain you love to hate. Today’s villains are generally not terribly attractive men, so they end up playing the villain. The cuties play the good guys. That’s too easy. Mess with my mind a little. Make me want to hate him, but he’s just too sexy. Make me want to love him, but make him despicable. Movies don’t play with our heads enough.

It happened to our music, too. Music used to be about the voice behind the sound. The soul that you heard through the speakers. No one knew what these people looked like unless they were on the Ed Sullivan Show. Now, it doesn’t matter how much your voice drones, if you have a pretty face, you’re in heavy rotation (Yes, I’m talking to you, Marcy Playground, 311, Matchbox 20, Backstreet Boys, Hanson, Goo Goo Dolls and Mace).

I miss the sweet sounds of unattractive men wishing they were getting good lovin’.

So back to the sugar… I’m starting to crash…but I still am tired of sitting in this chair.

“But ya are, Blanche! Ya are in that chair!”

My car is broken. Radiator cracked, they have to replace it. Some guy named Cool says it’ll be ready by tomorrow. I feel really lonely without my car. Not that I’m going anywhere now or even later or anything, but the thought that I couldn’t go if I wanted to makes me feel really trapped. That’s why I really admire people who don’t have cars in big cities (hell, there’s guys around here without cars)… I would go insane if I had to rely on bus drivers and friends and cabs all the time.

By the way, my parents did not go to the show, in case you had the same fears I did. In fact, when I called my mom to tell her I was getting ready to leave last week, she was like, “Where?”

Hollywood, Mom.

Oh, that’s nice. Why you going out there?

The show, Mom, remember?

The festival?

No, Mom, that was two months ago.

Well, you said you were performing, I didn’t know it was for–

Yeah, Mom, we discussed this.

Well, good luck. Is it funny?

I hope so, Mom.

I’m sure it is. You’re funny. Is it just you?

No, Mom, a bunch of us are going.

Well, that’s too bad. Are you in it a lot?

I’m well represented.

And that’s good, right?

I’m hoping.

What time will it be on?

Seven thirty.

What channel?

No, Mom, it’s–

Well, they’re probably taping it for later.

No, Mom, it’s just an audition.

Oh. That’s too bad.

I’ll call you when I get back, okay?

Okay, well, be good.

Of course I will.

There’s crazies out there, you know.

I know, Mom.So, she was happy to hear when I got back that I was okay, and that I never had to talk to strangers while I was gone. Mom cracks me up. I owe her half of my sketches and plays.

Just out of curiosity, do people outside of Texas enjoy King of the Hill? Man, that show rocks, but I feel that it has to be Texas humor. Do you guys know what a Luann Platter is? Just curious.

Time for more sugar…

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