Tag: Taylor

  • The Big Funk

    i figured this would happen. I seem to not want to do anything at all right now. The house is full of things I need to pack. I have to call the movers. I need to go to the pharmacy and refill all prescriptions before my insurance runs out. I have to forward numbers and…

  • A Quiet Time

    and Taylor checks in. Happy Birthday, Mommy. Hope the new job isn’t working you too hard. So, I mentioned briefly yesterday that I lost my voice. I really lost my voice, though, and I can always tell when it sounds bad because the following always happens:

  • choose your own entry

    you remember these, right? [db] I am quite busy. I always do this, you know. Procrastination.Lots of things to do. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome– Yay! I have no choice, now.

  • "Wait, What?"

    “she’s writing on a saturday?” Yes. I’m up. It’s early. I’ve been up for a couple of hours. After email, going through the forum, going through Mighty Big TV and drinking water and sighing, I realized that I could probably just sit here and write an entry. Maybe after I’ll take a nice nap. It’s…

  • ih. ow. ih.

    how to live my rock and roll lifestyle. 7:00am– Eric gets up for work. You don’t hear the alarm. You continue to sleep until the snooze kicks in while he’s in the shower. You feel like ass. As you grumble about him leaving the alarm on, you fall back asleep. 7:30am– Eric kisses you goodbye…

  • mih.


    did you miss mah fuzzyhead? Bonjour. It iz I, Taylor! You remember me, no? Taylor. Taylor! I am Taylor! You cannot rezizt me, baybee.

  • an open letter to sally jesse raphael.

    single mother searching for aspirin, cigarettes Dear Sally Jessie Raphael, Somehow over the past few months I’ve become a mother. Not like a “Pamie’s pregnant! Call the press!” kind of mother, but I am very much in charge of these two cats that live in my apartment. I have two cats, Sally. One is five…

  • Hello! Cal Tour!

    Hello! Cal Tour!

    Hello! Mrr! Mirr! RIRIRIR! I am here to give tour of house! Give you Cal tour! Things I see! Things I do! Rrrri IIIH! Let’s go!

  • Ih.

    taylor talks babies. Bonjour! You have missed me, no? Of course you have. I am Taylor! Oh, it haz been a very, very interesting couple of weeks around here, let me tell you, my friends. People walk in, then they walk back out, there iz much beer. Many, many cigarettes,which I thought I had seen…

  • taylor takes a survey

    Bonjour. Pamie says I must take zis test because I am not her, no?  So here we go.  She say I could win box of prizes and I must tell you  zat zee chicken I took from zee dinner table just was not satisifying enough, yes?