Tag: Strike Captain

  • Just Another Saturday Night

    Just Another Saturday Night

    Sara Hess would really like me to share this photo. It’s what I looked like seconds after I’d arrived at her apartment, after my multi-hour Guild meeting, before I had my first meal of the day, and not very long before our radio interview. I didn’t know she was taking the picture. But I do…

  • Pamie Rae (or, writing a post for UnitedHollywood.com)

    [United Hollywood asked me to reprint this post here so they can link to it, instead of taking up their entire front page with all my blah-blah-blah. It’s very hard to do “Pencils Down.” I end up writing elsewhere. Like here.] I’m a writer. I’m a strike captain. I’m a gate coordinator for CBS Radford.…

  • The Office Is Closed.

    Day Three on the line. The sun comes out and hits us pretty hard halfway through the shift, so I followed the lead of another strike captain who brought Trivial Pursuit cards to the line to pass out to circling picketers. I brought a sleeve of Pop Culture edition and shouted, “Without you, this stack…