Category: Pamie

  • Let the Birthday Week celebrations begin!

    and welcome the Cute Single Boy of the Week So, I made it. I’m twenty-five. Mom called to rub it in. Thanks, Ma. I’m celebrating with an all-day meeting at work. whoo-hoo. Tonight, Eric is taking me out to dinner, as it is also our three-year anniversary. Three years. Lots of laughs. Lots of memories.…

  • Four and Twenty Blackbirds

    at least i’ve got birthday week to keep me happy Today is my last day of being twenty-four. I’m finding this very difficult to write. My life is changing quickly and rapidly and I don’t know what’s going to happen to me.

  • goodbye, gramma.

    Yesterday, my grandmother, Gramma with the Puppies as I knew her, passed away. She had been very sick. And today my mommy is very, very sad. I had not seen my grandmother in a very long time. What I remember of her is filled with a childhood awe of a woman who showers you with…

  • serious talk.

    over a cigarette. or nine. [scripty] BOY Can I ask you a question? PAMIE Sure. BOY Do I look like a geek to you? PAMIE What do you mean? BOY Like… am I overly-geek? PAMIE I think you’re an okay level of geek. BOY Are you sure? PAMIE Pretty sure. BOY Like, what’s an okay…

  • return to sender

    there’s no key to send back. It’s bad enough that everyone I know is going though or coming out of some sort of break-up or loss in their lives that makes everything so sad and scary. But yesterday things went officially TOO FAR. I’m getting break-up letters from companies. Corporations are trying to break-up with…

  • things we said today

    stuff i want them to take back and things i want to keep hearing forever. I’ve been thinking about the voices in my head lately, the ones who have said things in the past that I’ve never forgotten.  To clear up some space for some new voices, I have decided to write these down and…

  • i've got a nice beat, and you can bug out to me.

    i just never took it so literally. Ugh! Ih! Ih! Ih! I should just go home right now. I need to go home and start my weekend and just get a whole bunch of work done and pretend that the past five minutes didn’t just happen because they have been too damaging. Yih! I went…

  • grr.

    Hey! That’s it. I’m just angry today. Angry. Not even in an “I’m angry about this” sort of way. I’m just angry. Angry. Mean. Crabby. Behold, the power of bitch. I’m serious. I just woke up in a foul mood. No one started this or caused it, but here it is and it’s flaming mad,…

  • an open letter to sally jesse raphael.

    single mother searching for aspirin, cigarettes Dear Sally Jessie Raphael, Somehow over the past few months I’ve become a mother. Not like a “Pamie’s pregnant! Call the press!” kind of mother, but I am very much in charge of these two cats that live in my apartment. I have two cats, Sally. One is five…

  • things i'd rather be doing today

    and introducing the cute single boy of the week eating ice cream. feeding someone ice cream. getting a pedicure. getting a haircut. letting someone wash my hair. taking a really long nap followed by a really good stretch. The kind where your toes touch one end of the bed and your fingertips touch the other.…