Category: Pamie

  • Cellmate

    an open letter to d’angelo First, things to go read before you come back here: The online diaries article is up at the Austin Chronicle. Read about journalling, me, greg, gwen, and the very important Eight. It’s a well-written article, and you can hardly tell that Taylor had just made my eye swell from his…

  • So Sexy When She Falls

    i just need to find someone with a bruise fetish I am really a klutz. I’m sure I’ve mentioned this before, but I probably don’t talk about it all the time. But sometimes it just gets out of control and I’m just this jerky-freak girl who’s knocking everything over.

  • "Video" "Music" "Awards"

    we could debate all day. I love the MTV Video music awards. I do. They are ridiculous and completely unnecessary and arbitrary and each year I let myself get all riled up about them. I think it’s healthy. Now, the year that I almost peed with glee when Axl Rose started singing with Tom Petty?…

  • ow.

    weezer, airports, cell phones, la and stee I can’t believe Bush is going to choose Dick Cheney for his running mate. I can only apologize in advance for the months, if not years of open mic night abuse with the punchline “Bush and Dick.” Friday night was spent inside an airplane. The entire night. The…

  • vacation!

    i’m so excited Originally I was going to write my piece on the MTV video awards nominations. That will have to wait until Tuesday. I’ve sorta run out of time. I still have to pack. I still have some work on the anime show. I have a photographer coming here in an hour to take…

  • She's De-Nasty

    i thought i was the normal one. if you’re related to me or e, or even if you just know us, you might just want to skip this entry. Okay, so I gathered my receipts, looked up the number, and called the garage that screwed me over. I talked to the manager on duty and…

  • DRAMA!

    maybe it will at least entertain you. ATTENTION! ATTENTION! We have reports that pamie actually changed a litter box and brought the old trashbag of used kitty litter all the way down to the dumpster. Rumors of a clean kitchen have been dispelled. But we have confirmed a cleaning of a litter box. The apartment…

  • Check Me Out.

    who needs men around the house, anyway? Why, yes, that was me carrying a bag of trash to the dumpster this morning, all by myself. Yes, I did dribble trash juice on my shoes. No, I didn’t mean to do that. No, we aren’t going to talk about it. I don’t want to ruin last…

  • No Rest for the Worked.

    too quiet, really. I like to think that I’m a completely independent woman who is capable of running her own life without the help of others. I like to think that. I know it’s not true. I know that I depend on others for fun, advice, help and favors. But I never realize just how…

  • Interview with a Blabbermouth

    someone should just stop me I was interviewed today for an article on online journals. I can only imagine it will turn out looking something like this: She’s Not So Hot: Meeting Pamie She answered the door with her hair still wet and a cigarette in her right hand. Her giant cats were tangled around…