Category: Pamie

  • go, go, club pro

    saying goodbye This afternoon I pick up a new car. And in doing so, I say goodbye to Club Protege.

  • Lillith

    We miss you, sweet Lillith in memory…

  • The House of Smut Revealed

    corrupting the mormon dolls Oh, man. I didn’t think it was possible, but I’m going to spend even more money today than I’ve ever spent not writing bills. is bigger than the hosting plan I just bought. What does that mean for you? Well, it means I’m moving the site again, and in maybe…

  • choose your own entry

    you remember these, right? [db] I am quite busy. I always do this, you know. Procrastination.Lots of things to do. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome– Yay! I have no choice, now.

  • "Wait, What?"

    “she’s writing on a saturday?” Yes. I’m up. It’s early. I’ve been up for a couple of hours. After email, going through the forum, going through Mighty Big TV and drinking water and sighing, I realized that I could probably just sit here and write an entry. Maybe after I’ll take a nice nap. It’s…

  • Flipping Through My Mail

    haven’t done this in a while. Dear Today Show, Okay. I like to watch you in the mornings. I like hearing Katie and Al and Matt all goof around and have fun while I get dressed and wake up and start my day. However.

  • No Sleep 'Til…

    my non-sleeping patterns I haven’t been sleeping so well lately. I stay up too late anyway, finishing up work, trying to get things in before their deadlines. But lately when I finally get to bed, I’ll spend at least thirty minutes lying there, thinking about other things.

  • Hey, Hey, Hello!

    club protege’s up on ya, baby All right, check it. Oh, my God. It’s me. Club Protege. You may know me as Pamie’s car. But today, I’m running things. I’m all, like, right here and shit, telling you the latest, ah-ight? In fact, my latest prank on pamie is so crazy-good that I’m telling all…

  • I'm Hideous

    not for the squeamish I like to think that I’m a relatively grown-up person who can handle things with a certain level of dignity. Maybe for the most part, I do. But not last night. Not at all.

  • It's Who You Know

    there’s always more You know someone… Or you think you do. How do you know when you really know someone? How do you know when that person has let you in, really in, all the way in so that you’re comfortable and secure and happy and ready for anything? Do you know enough? Do you…