Category: Pamie

  • scalzi’s book is out and I need your punctuation advice.

    You can buy it here. Do you think they meant to misspell “stupidity”? Also, my friend Laura and I spent a good ten minutes on Saturday debating the “? or “, If you’re quoting a word but you’re using it in a exclamation, and the word doesn’t have an exclamation as in — That sign…

  • Are You a Book Snob?

    Stephen King will get his Medal for Distinguished Contribution to American Letters this week. Time Magazine thinks it’s time we stop with the book snobbery. Do you divide books as either worthy or trashy? Reading literature and having a damn good time had become quietly but decidedly uncoupled. And yet we think of this state…

  • The Future of Libraries

    I now have a large proportion of librarians out there in land. Jessa sent me this link from the Philadelphia Weekly that might get you riled up enough to write letters to the editor. Shh! People Are Trying To Compute!

  • Barflies

    Something was noticably different as we drove up to my friends’ regular neighborhood bar last night. “Did the bar change owners?” I asked as we pulled into the parking lot. “No,” Hilary said. “Why?” “The sign on the front says ‘Dirty Sanchez‘.” “What?” “That’s what it says.” “Is it a banner?” “No, I think it…

  • new entry: barflies

    Just when I think I’m too busy to update, something so funny happens that I absolutely have to share it.

  • Dear

    I’m sorry I haven’t written a journal entry in a week. It’s not for lack of desire — it’s for lack of time. I’ve taken a temp second job and it’s the graveyard shift, so I will have little to no free time until Thanksgiving. Checking in on the blog, however, is not a problem.

  • How To Be Cool

    Pamie, help!!! I just received the newest product endorsement email from Glark, and – god, I’m so ashamed – I don’t get it. Here’s the link. Can you please help me? I hate being out of the loop. Like when I was in seventh grade and that hooch Shirley had all of these inside jokes…

  • Gilmore Girls Recap (Yeah, I’m that busy)

    EVERYONE’S A CRITIC — What if a TV episode that attempted to address every forum topic and recap ever written about a show? You’d get this mess of an episode, where everyone’s trying to get in a line or two, resulting in semi-arguments, overuses of the word “jerk,” and a five-minute discussion of different types…

  • Tarzan Recap Up

    GOING APE — T-minus three episodes left on everyone’s least favorite WB show. This week…like you know what’s going on anyway. Who cares? Just sit back and watch the destruction of one recapper’s hopes and dreams.

  • an important lesson

    When is it too early to download and watch the Paris Hilton sex video? 8 a.m. I still don’t feel good.