Category: Pamie

  • Take that, Babs.

    The wonders of eBay. [Thanks, Charles, for the link]

  • million dollar starter homes?

    Tamar writes about the incredibly frustrating price of real estate in California. We must say every other week, “I do not see how anybody buys a home in this city. How do normal people live here?” We recently looked at a house for sale a block over from where we rent on our way back…

  • One Thing Leads to Another

    One Thing Leads to Another

    The summer I created, the main event of that year was my comedy troupe’s trip to Los Angeles to perform at the HBO Workspace for an Aspen Comedy Festival audition. That was six years ago. I can’t believe it’s been that long already. We rehearsed constantly, and I wrote about those exciting days of…

  • … like a closet?

    It realized a couple of nights ago I don’t truly know what “off the hook” means. Not as in, “I let you off the hook,” but as in, “That’s off the hook.” I understand that one means “I saved you from an obligation” and the other means “That’s seriously awesome.” But where do they come…

  • New Entry

    one thing leads to another. Six years in the blink of an eye.

  • breakfast with the beatles

    I’m in my bed using a dial-up, something stee started doing while I’ve been out at work or rehearsals. He’s right: this is really nice. The radio next to me is playing Breakfast With the Beatles, and there are three cats curled around me, forming the Triangle of Fur.

  • Gilmore Girls Recap

    How’s Trix? — Gran dies, and everything grinds to a halt. Digger shows he truly will be no good in a long-term relationship, and most of the town completely ignores the passing of apparently a legendary matriarch. Richard cries a lot, and Emily shows off her gams.

  • whatcha doin’?

    LA Lesson learned today: Apparently smog checks don’t cost the same thing at every mechanic. In Texas I do believe the yearly state inspection sticker always cost fifteen bucks. So when I plunked down fifty today at my closest mechanic I thought nothing of it. The rest of the day I passed smog check signs…

  • New Entry

    whatcha doin’? Nothin’ chillin’ on Franklin with stee….

  • more good news.

    “Who starts a new job, plans a wedding and writes a book all within seven months? Crazy people, that’s who.” Go congratulate Erin on her book deal.