Category: Pamie

  • What the FCC?

    Before you begin this entry, you might want to see the comments from yesterday, and how one joke about Dawn of the Dead launched another debate about decency. Decency! It sounds like something that should have been argued in the 1800’s. Decency. Those women are showing their ankles! Indecent! If the FCC can fine for…

  • Making the World a Little Smaller

    Longtime reader Misty writes: You probably won’t find this as exciting as maybe you would have all those months ago when this was all new, but as an artist struggling here on the East Coast, I’d like to think you’re still riding that “oh my god! is this my life?!” despite the craziness and ongoing…

  • New Entry

    You knew it was coming. Due to the comments thread after I make a Jesus joke: “What the FCC?”

  • comedy is hard

    I haven’t written about my second manuscript, the one I wrote last year, the one we’ve been having a hard time selling. I haven’t written about it because I don’t really want to jinx it, but we’re at the point now where we’re past jinxing, and I’m just kind of wishing and hoping that someone…

  • New Entry

    Comedy is Hard. Sometimes I fail and sometimes I succeed.

  • i miss you, too

    Today I made a list of all the entries I haven’t written yet that need to be. So know I’m thinking about you, hitters of the “refresh” button. But one of the entries was going to be me simply saying this: I can’t believe how much I liked Dawn of the Dead. Also, my faith…

  • more things to read.

    The show went well. I’m taking today off. I’m tired. I will relay the story in detail sometime soon. You know I always do. Couch Baron has left the building. But if you still need to read things every day that I have written, fear not. Liz and I are both contributors to the spanking…

  • bicoastal stage fright

    Man. I just typed a whole blog entry and my browser crashed. It feels like the blog has come to life with our East Coast/West Coast performances tonight. Break a leg, Dan! Give Sarah and Linda a hug for me! I’m currently the worst host in the world, as I’m blogging not two feet away…

  • I feel guilty.

    The last time I went to the Shoaks Galleria Starbucks, the Chessmaster was gone. So was Joey Strummer. Was it something I said?