Category: Pamie

  • Hee. AB is the only

    Hee. AB is the only friend I have who’d let me get away with that joke. I laughed all the way to the Post Office.

  • Last Wonderfalls Recap Up

    Wonder Killer Victorious! — Fox cancelled this show on the weekend of this recapper’s birthday. We swear one had nothing to do with the other. At least it goes out on top, kind of, with an episode that doesn’t entirely suck. Jaye is dragged kicking and screaming to her high-school reunion, in order to help…

  • Sorry, fishies.

    I like Goldfish crackers, but now that they’ve added little smiles on each one, I feel really guilty when I eat them.

  • Here’s the thing about April Fool’s Day.

    I fall for it every year. This morning, getting up crap-early for a run, I actually turned around and ran back to the house when I heard the Stern replacement show, then I woke stee, to deliver the bad news. “He’s gone, stee. Howard’s gone.” Like someone had died. “They did it.” And then I…

  • begging for space

    LA is tough on theatre, that’s for sure. Liz and I are having a hard time finding a place to restage Letters Never Sent. If you’re an LA Theatre person who would love to host us for a night or two, please send me or Liz an email. Please! We’re funny. And pretty. We’re looking…

  • Wonderfalls Recap

    Agnes of Ohmigod: This episode was a sign from God that someone needs to cancel Wonderfalls. Jaye tries to help a nun as Eric tries to beat up a priest as religion takes over the second half of the show.

  • another milestone

    Allison writes about getting published.

  • Thank You!

    My newest review on too boring to read, March 27, 2004 Reviewer: greengirl from Los Angeles, CA United States i couldn’t read this book, it was too boring and the characters were too inane. i love the cover art. i really wanted to like this book. Five Stars Awesome. Thanks! Come again!

  • Today is Mail Day

    Looking through today’s Activist Mail Bag… Hello Pamie, I recently discoved that any US Citizen may vote in a US federal election regardless of their country of residence, which means that I as an American living in Canada can vote in the next federal election, and so can all of your US expatriate readers. The…

  • My Friends are Funny

    Tomorrow night, please watch my friends Brently Heilbron and Liz Feldman in the very funny Significant Others on Bravo. They play friends of the pregnant woman.