Category: Pamie

  • They showed our house to

    They showed our house to the realtor office last week. All at once forty people dressed in their corporate finest drove up to our house, stepped out of their cars and walked, single-file, through our home. We left as they arrived. It looked like a smart mob, ready to throw the world’s lamest party.

  • my weekend

    I just cooked a Greek feast for Book Club, in honor of Middlesex. Now I have to go watch Gilmore Girls and write a recaplet in the next nine hours. My weekend is covered through other people’s words, here, here, here and here. Tomorrow I have four meetings. Seriously. If you’re one of those people…

  • Hotlanta and Gilmore Girls.

    I’m in the living room of Al and Chris watching AB and Al Google some ex-boyfriend of AB’s. That’s what friends do four hours after picking up friends from an airport. Chris wants to play some new game he bought called “Stare.” That’s probably what we’ll do once Vince is done burning some CD. See,…

  • before i jet…

    I’m trying to answer all of my email. This takes some time, and usually leaves me with things to post on the blog. So here are the latest letters that inform you of places to spend money or help a brother out. From Jessica: Sofia, my sister-in-law, has her web site that my brother has…

  • Fame!

    “Geeks with liquor and laptops watch bad TV so you won’t have to.” Hey! Those are my friends you’re talking about. Wait. And me! If you want to see what Dan, Tara, Dave and other recappers look like, don’t judge from the photo they’re using for this webpage promo. Recapping is never that celebratory.

  • You Knew It Was Coming.

    Obligatory Ring Entry.

  • Obligatory Ring Entry

    The day after my birthday, four days before I got engaged, I got an email: Hi Pamie, Last night I had a dream that you were engaged to Stee. It was a dream about a dream, so in the dream I told you that I had just had this dream and you held out your…

  • New Gilmore Girls Recap

    Oldies But Goodies: Lorelai’s worried she’s becoming a crazy old cat lady as Luke takes his lack of love life into his own hands. Wait. Not like that. Paris realizes she’s been seeing an old dude for some time now when they have an angina scare. Rory… hell, like anything’s happened to her this season.…

  • hee.

    Wendy recaps her Fox News segment on blogging. I don’t know. I think those bloggers might be on to something.

  • The Long-Awaited Entry

    Grown-Up Camp. I really did have a good excuse for being away from you all this time.