Category: Blog
“nothin’ to see here” So…we wrote a really funny sketch at rehearsal yesterday. It really is funny. I think people will like it. The rub? It requires total nudity. Watch as pamie’s spine shrivels into the back of her neck… I just can’t do it. Now, look, I’ve thought a lot about it and everything,…
boys on film
righteous dude ferris and power lloyd duke it out Growing up in the eighties gave young girls two types of men to look for in a future mate. Two films divided what type of girl you were and what type of guy you wanted. Those two films are Ferris Bueller’s Day Off and Say Anything……
geek girls don’t cry
don’t tell me i’ve got to be bummed about my breasts I am all apologies. I had no idea my web page looked like shit if you were looking at it through Microsoft Internet Explorer. Damn. Damn. Damn. For those of you who never got to read “I Lived With John Travolta” it is now…
momma, i’m comin’ home
birthday cake and ulcers So I’m off to Houston to visit my mom tomorrow. Or tonight. I haven’t decided when I’m leaving. If it was up to my mother, I would have left yesterday to come and see her, but I do have a show tonight. But the A/C is out in my car, and…
mail is good fun
I have a headache. I’ve had one for about a week now and I’m tired of it. It starts right under my eyes and travels down to the base of my neck by the end of the day. I took off work early today to get some rest, but it’s not seeming to help. What…
with two cats in the yard
I’m not a crazy cat lady. I’m not. Now that we’re past that, it’s time for me to tell you about my cats. I think it’s important to tell you about them so that you understand a little bit about my home life, and that when I say my house feels crowded sometimes, you know…
i have a beautiful cervix
and other stories from my gynecologist pamie is a little sad. I took my boyfriend to the airport this morning. He’s visiting the fam for a week. This afternoon I went to the gyno. I hate getting my annual. I end up feeling very violated. It’s all over so fast. Wam, bam, here’s your co-pay…
girls that jam
wherein we discuss my shortcomings as a glamourpuss There’s something very appealing about a girl that knows how to rock out. I am not one of those girls, but I do have respect for those that do. The girls that can sing, the girls that can write, the girls that can make your spine do…
no room at the inn
“I hate my sister. She’s such a bitch. She acts as if she doesn’t even know that I exist…” So it’s a little crowded around my place right now. I’ve got a friend staying with me until her apartment becomes available in a couple of weeks and her soon-to-be-husband stays over on the weekends when…
cutey honey
fifty ways to name your lover Naming your sweetheart is not something to be taken lightly. In the earliest part of the relationship you are on a very small wire in which something you may say could stick forever and you are given a love name that you neither wanted nor can stand. You think…