Author: Pamie

  • can’t wait, can’t wait, can’t wait

    Andrew Doughty: Hawaii – The Big Island Revealed: The Ultimate Guidebook Haruki Murakami: What I Talk About When I Talk About Running Nancy Horan: Loving Frank Nicole Krauss: Man Walks Into a Room Dara Horn: The World to Come Jonathan Ames, Dean Haspiel: The Alcoholic Michael Guista: Brain Work Elizabeth Berg: The Day I Ate…

  • prepping for paradise.

    The Walkmen: Bows and Arrows Lykke Li: Youth Novels Mew: Frengers Fleet Foxes: Fleet Foxes

  • Activating Dana

    Shot during the first weekend of Eyesplosion ’09, I take a study break with Dana in an attempt to activate her. She was supposed to talk about how she “hates injustice.” But she never really got off the subject of me. At fourteen minutes in two parts, it’s an extra-long Activating. But in my defense,…

  • Activating Melanie

    The Case for Settling: Melanie really, really loves romantic comedies. No, like, really. But it’s causing some inner turmoil now that she’s noticed some romantic comedies say she’s not the kind of girl you’re supposed to choose in the end. Click the cute little “HQ” in the lower right hand corner of the clip to…

  • Noah and the Whale

    Rocks and Daggers I know, this place is becoming some kind of video blog. It’s because I’m having to write lots of words elsewhere (and I’m not just talking about the addictive Twitter account). The deadlines are approaching, time is marching on, and soon it’ll just be me and this laptop again. So, you know,…

  • Woo-Hoo! Los Angeles Derby Dolls Season Begins!

    Awesome promo video, featuring Iron Maiven, Janis Choplin, Haught Wheels, and other lady-objects of my affection. Get your tickets online here. Please! We can’t skate without you! Fight Crew v Tough Cookies Saturday, January 24th at the Doll Factory 1910 W. Temple Street

  • Lately, on the Nightstand…

    Simon Singh: The Code Book: The Science of Secrecy from Ancient Egypt to Quantum Cryptography. So, watch out. I will crack your ATM code. Caprice Crane: Forget About It. My name’s in this! Nick Hornby, Sarah Vowell: Shakespeare Wrote for Money Carrie Fisher: Wishful Drinking

  • Some Advice, from My Favorite Seven-Year-Old

    Some Advice, from My Favorite Seven-Year-Old

    Dear President Elect Obama, Congratulations on winning the election. Here are some things you can do to help our country. You can make new rules like you have to be at least thirty-eight years old to be in the army. Also, you can stop the war by breaking the enemy’s guns and cannons. Tell people…

  • Activating Robin

    Robin, she of the Abraham Lincoln sweatshirt, explains why she has some serious boundary issues. Pamie tries to get her to hug it out. (Apologies for crappy webcam quality. Let’s pretend it’s 1999!) (It sort of looks better if you click the video, let it take you to You Tube, and then click “High Quality.”…

  • Activating Annie

    This week: Annie got activated when we started talking about women who are obsessed with creating the perfect birth “experience.”