Author: Pamie
pamie the pirate
am i still sexy? So I had my eye surgery yesterday. Today it feels like someone punched me in the head. The light hurts it a bit. I’m tired. But it wasn’t really a big surgery. Just some drops in my head, a sticky thing on my face to hold back my eyelashes, and then…
the explanation
There’s something in the air. There’s something about this time of year. I don’t know if it’s the weather, or the holiday or what, but there’s something in this late-winter time that tests love. It makes you re-evaluate your life. It makes you scared. It makes you want to make changes.
Second Annual Squishy Valentine's Day Entry
i remember that certain summer. you were wearing that little bikini and we played volleyball. i thought it would be funny to pull the string in the back as you went for the spike. man, i was right. that was funny. I wish you had a better sense of humor. Happy Valentine’s Day. more than…
by popular demand. this page has lots of big files and will be loud. watch your speakers. don’t get fired. Ladies and Gentlemen. Prepare yourselves for an exciting event. Now. On your computer. Eric and Pamie:
check out my excitement! I have always thought you plant and garden people were a little strange. I never understood the fascination with growing things in your own house. My mother would often bring in potted plants and position them in areas of the house. I believe we called them her “victims.” Each time one…
miss link-a-lot
busy week means i send you elsewhere on friday Today is extra link-y, since that seems to be my Friday routine. That and I’m still not sleeping well, so I’m really tired. Eric stayed home today, so I’m jealous. Pretend I’m a weblog today.
late night pamie brain
it’s been like this all week Okay. Okay. Okay. This time I’m just gonna fall right to sleep. But I’m not tired. Shutup, you. You’re going to sleep. Not tired.