here is a test | come try to break pamie dot com

Ever since the shiny new redesign, whenever I let you guys know I have a new post, we somehow succeed in crashing the server. The guys at the help desk are watching right now, so feel free to click a few things.

Like, did you know I have tags? You can read all my posts about roller derby, or Oprah or flip through the remarkably popular dork tag.

Or you can flip through the OCD-skilled archives, picking a month at random.

Whatever gets this site fixed so that I can update more frequently without losing visitors because I have no tolerance for the slow load.

And for good measure: a picture of Cal.










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  1. meadowgirl

    he’s so awesome. i want a Cal one day. baby steps, baby steps.

  2. Jessica Lasher

    I would like to leave a comment. click click click

    1. Pamie

      How is kitty?

  3. Danica Cleveland


    1. Pamie

      Clicking is the new hip check.

    2. Danica Stone

      oh shit you have my name!!
      now i am too confused to click.

  4. Rebeca Serrano

    I’ve been reading old archives and everytime I click, it takes me nowhere. I don’t know if it’s because they don’t exist anymore or what, just thought this coment would help.
    p.s. Talk about flashbacks (I’m still in 1999)!

    1. Pamie

      We’re still updating the archives for a couple of years. 1999 is one of them, as is 2003-2004. Sara Morrison had to go ahead and move to New York, which slowed her down a bit.

  5. Jason Allen

    I opened this post and then threw my laptop across the room. Your site now has a big crack down the middle and smells like burning. I hope this helps.

    1. Lauren–NY (@TheGrottoTweets)

      I laughed way too hard at this.

  6. kris

    Happy to help ;) Clickety click click, where are those bra and tampon entries…

    1. Danica Stone

      freal. I’ll be clicking on all the fart entries.

  7. Joanna L. Castillo

    I’m 3 hours late seeing your tweet about trying to break I’ve clicked around and see no sign of breakage. It is 3 hours later, though, so… ??

  8. Heidi

    I get slow loads, and the clickable headers at the top sometimes overlap so you can’t see the dropdown menus…

    Yay, Cal! Has he settled into the new digs?

  9. Melissa

    “I have no tolerance for the slow load.” Dirty!

  10. Garage Queen

    Just call me Crash McCrasherson. I’m the crashiest crasher around.

    (there’s a really bad Pixar movie in here somewhere)

    1. Garage Queen

      Aaaaand like an idiot I just noticed that this was from 3 days ago. Never mind. (Stupid is as stupid does.)

  11. amy a.

    Since the new design, my computer freezes for a few seconds when I look at anything on the site. I almost get ready to do a control-alt-delete and then it comes alive. Don’t know if that will help, but I’m reporting it anyway! :)