Month: October 2010
AFF — A fat fatty when you come back from Austin. Please Send Salt Lick I Want More Food.
I went to Austin for five days and gained four pounds. This is why I can’t live there anymore.
thinking good thoughts for the angriest cat in the world.
Any morning where you wake up to find your cat in hypoglycemic shock is a bad morning. I immediately knew something was wrong when I woke up late. Taylor doesn’t let the sunrise pass without yelping for his food. He was under the writing desk, quite stiff and getting colder by the second.
Austin! See you soon!
There’s still time to purchase Conference Badges for the Austin Film Festival kicking off this week. And here’s where you can find me:
On the Neon, Neon Side of Town.
So the last time I had a chance to update I was in Athens, GA, closing out the book tour for Going in Circles. The book reading was a complete blast. The place was packed with both (well, fans and derby girls, and it was one of those events that makes me miss…