I’m working on a bigger, promise-you’ll-be-entertained entry for later today, but I wanted to tell you that Dewey is back and I always feel like I’m in a race with East Coast time when I’m announcing news so–
And while this fundraising/bookraising drive is going on, I’m going to try to update pamie.com every day. Not Twitter. Not Facebook. Right here. Like it’s 1998. THESE ARE THE THINGS I DO FOR YOU. Because I love you. I do. We’ve known each other a long time, people. Twelve years, you guys. (Happy anniversary, Weldon and Nique!) (PS: I will totally update Twitter and Facebook too, I’m just saying.)
Celebrate with your coffee money going to a kid in Baltimore today, will you, please?
Another reason? The end of this month sees Banned Books Week, and to …. celebrate?…. we have a wishlist for the VLP specifically listing banned books. I’ve never forgotten the feeling of realizing I was reading a book from my high school library that had been censored.
At the risk of sounding both too old and too young at the same time — much of the news is about validating hateful racism and celebrating ignorance as patriotism these days, and books are being used as the symbols of hatred and oppression. For every act of libricide, I wish we could put a hundred books in its place. So, if you’re feeling as frustrated as I am, maybe sending a couple of books and/or some cash to a place where it’s desperately needed can help you feel a little bit better about… well, this hour right now, anyway.
Thanks. And as always, thanks so much for being such amazing supporters of the Dewey Donation System.