First: does anybody know why Moveable Type now hates me? It seems to be unable to understand that “inbox, part four” and “inbox, part five,” are not the same entry. Same with “Marathon, part one” and “marathon, part two.” Trying to rename the old entries doesn’t seem to help, as it doesn’t change them in the archives. The entries are there, but the database can’t seem to understand how to link to them in the archives. Also, because the archives can’t seem to understand the titles, trying to go “previous” and “next” will sometimes jump you a year or so in time. I can’t believe how much I miss hand-coding when faced with the confusion that is Moveable Type. See those ugly links on the side? That’s because our old Amazon plug-in no longer works with this version of Moveable Type, which we have to use in order to be able to update this website with the database my web hosting company uses.
Please, please. Someone help AB and me. We are tired of not knowing things.
I’ve never been more popular with my friends than right now, because Jane Espenson linked to me. Their reaction is as if they found a tabloid photo of Matt Damon and me making out in a stairwell. Thanks, Jane! You are a rockstar. (And I love the term “clamshells.” Latest strike-clam sent in, by M Giant: “I could write for you, but then I’d have to kill you.”)
Sweet, Melissa! We miss you, too!