Month: October 2007
she’s wicked good like tampax
Andrea wrote this piece about tampon marketing a while ago, but I just now found it in her archives. Since I have been lame, lame, lame at updating over here, I offer you a link to her piece as a kind of make-up gift. You know, like a little box of chocolates, or I bought…
rainbows have nothing to hide.
[scripty] AB Pa’am? PAMIE Yes, ma’am. AB … I think I don’t like Radiohead. PAMIE I guess I understand. AB These songs make me want to kill myself. PAMIE You aren’t the only person who’s said that to me. AB Is that okay? That I don’t like Radiohead? PAMIE Your marriage might suffer. It might…
So, some of the archives aren’t working, and the pretty Amazon links went away when we upgraded to the latest Moveable Type. We had to, because my website stopped working entirely for about a month. I’m sorry for the mess while we try to figure things out. But you know, the people who keep this…
reading right now:
Doug Hill, Jeff Weingrad: Saturday Night: A Backstage History of Saturday Night Live. Lauren gave this to me as a thank you after I did an interview with her for a college assignment last spring. I’m tearing through it. The fact that I haven’t heard from Lauren since June means that either I caused her…
samantha who? and pamie where?
My website’s been broken for about a month, and I’ve been unable to update. Also, I’ve been busting my butt over here. Hope you watch and enjoy. Because I’d love to have this job stick around for a long time. Oh, another thing that happened while the site was down that made me think of…