Part Two: Choose A Character

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What were we talking about yesterday? Oh, yeah. This:

The thing I worried about most — and oh, but did I WORRY — was that a karaoke game you play in your living room would lack the most important element of the karaoke experience: that of shamed, drunken falling. For you see, an essential element of the karaoke spectacle is embarrassingly, publicly whoring yourself out in front of as many strangers as possible and making them understand that, no matter how hard they try, they will never sing “Father Figure” half as well as you, even if you happen into a karaoke bar in which George Michael himself is actually in attendance. Even those crazy karaoke black boxes where you pile all of your friends in and drunkenly slur the night away to “Copa Cabana” can’t stand up to the times you hijack a piano bar and, well, drunkenly slur the night away to “Copa Cabana.”

But, you see, in KR3, you DO have an audience. They’re out there, cheering for you, watching the character you’ve created. AND THEY LOVE YOU. But only if you’re good. If you suck, they leave the rooftop or the subway station or whatever venue you’ve chosen.

See, in real life, you may look like this:

Or this.

Or this.

But in the game, you look like this:

That’s Stee’s karaoke alter ego, Armando. Stee/Armando is the winner! Nice job, Stee!

My standard character, Kazz, is a slightly Asian skinny boy who wears the exact same clothes I do, right down to the blue Seth Cohen sweatshirt I wear nearly every day including right now. I don’t have a picture of Kazz. Oh, wait. Yes, I do:

Kazz and I are very similar. He too can change outfits whenever he wants. He just chooses not to.

Adam‘s guy looks like Dean Martin, and, as close as I can remember, Rebecca’s character looks almost exactly like her. And Sara M‘s life began the day we unlocked the robot character of Vox, who I can’t find a picture of and it’s breaking my heart.

Well, this one is kind of close:

Now just imagine it singing “Killing Me Softly.”

And don’t worry, y’all…clearly, we also took care of the “shamed, drunken falling” part.

You are now ready to play Karaoke Revolution 3.

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