Party Girl #4 Rocks!

Want to see Buttleman, the movie starting one talented stee (and Deadwood‘s John Hawkes), directed by one talented Francis Stokes, with music from the incredibly talented Adam Blau and a cameo of yours truly?

It’s as easy as going to your local indie video store and taking part in the Had To Be Made film festival.

The Had To Be Made Film Festival has a partnership with small, non-chain video stores across the country who rent out the movies in monthly volumes. Volume 9 has “Buttleman” and two short films, and will be on the shelves in late December.

Find out if you’re local video store is participating here. If NOT, you have just about a week to get your local store to participate. After that, they won’t include the store until the next festival, and they won’t get “Buttleman.” So, here’s what to do: Tell the store’s owner or manager about the festival, and if they’re interested get their name, address and phone number. Then contact Sonia Giddens at Had to Be Made and let her know about them. The best way is to call her: 323-653-3937, but you can also email her at Let her know all the info and tell the video store to expect her call – then check back with them in a couple days. Be sure to tell her you want them to have the CURRENT series, with “Buttleman”.

(You can tell I copied that last paragraph from the director’s email. It’s all urgent with directorial passion and caps lock.)

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