I only guilt-tripped you down there because right now I have no shame. Typing under the influence while in pain makes you do things like that.
I mean, you know. If you can’t donate a book, that doesn’t make you a bad person or anything. It just means you can’t donate a book to a library. I mean, you don’t have to do that.
You probably didn’t buy me an engagement present, though. Not that you have to. But, you know. I’m just sayin’.
Hey. You look good. I like those pants on you.
Oh. I found some jeans. Thanks to those of you who suggested Lucky Brand. They aren’t made out of paper napkins and they don’t highlight my butt crack. And I love that you can find them on eBay for much cheaper than in stores. That’s what I do because I’m broke because I’m the girl who decided to have a house and a wedding in the same year.
But I still bought some books. Oooh! Burn.