Day: June 30, 2004

  • Book Drive Tally

    I’m happy to report that in five days we’ve made 184 donations. You guys are awesome. Last year at five days we were only hovering around the hundred mark. At this rate we stand to make an impressive contribution to San Diego’s shelves. Still waiting to turn in your donation? Why? The librarians love you…

  • Subject: Jesus Loves You, Pamie

    Pamie, You appear to me to be an open-minded and accepting person, which puzzles me as to why you seem to be such a fan of Christian-bashing. If someone were to try to use your blog as a forum for racial or homosexual slurring, you would put a stop to it immediately. Why, then, do…

  • Getting a Super Low Rise Out Of Me

    My pants are all too big. They hang off my hips and give me a basket crotch that is unacceptable. All of my other jeans and pants have been given away over the past two months. I’ve held onto three pairs, because I need something. They’re all very roomy and require the use of the…

  • Added Library Branch

    Hello, Pam. One of our littlest rural branches just got their wishlist up. I hope it is not too late to mention them or add their link. They are pretty poor. It is the Campo Branch. Once again, thanks so much to you and to everyone. This is one of the most exciting things that…