Month: March 2004

  • Caren Lissner likes me

    She wrote so in her blog. (Scroll down to 3/16).

  • Pimping a Side Project

    This book is a compendium of the best blog entries available on the internet! Scoured from thousands of blogs and selected by a panel of blue-ribbon judges, the very unique perspectives of those who choose to record their everyday lives in public forums is compiled in one place, with accompanying illustrations. From the comedic to…

  • i’m on livejournal

    in honor of livejournal peeps who dig me the most and wanna add me to their frienz, here’s the syndi. shout out all y’all from here in the 323. big ups to the lj hos. ;-) (Man, it’s hard to write like a LiveJournaler.) [Thanks, Meeta, for the link.]

  • Wonderfalls Recap Up

    Karma Chameleon: Jaye befriends a possible investigative journalist with a severe stalking habit and a random stutter. Inside: Pamie tells you why this show just isn’t working.

  • Looking for a petition to sign?

    We the undersigned pledge our support for freedom of speech and expression on our airwaves, print, the Internet, broadcast, cable and satellite. While we realize that the government has an obligation to protect our children, surely there needs to be a limit to what is regulated. Adults and parents are capable of making decisions about…

  • New Entry

    Watch me geek out.

  • What the FCC?

    Before you begin this entry, you might want to see the comments from yesterday, and how one joke about Dawn of the Dead launched another debate about decency. Decency! It sounds like something that should have been argued in the 1800’s. Decency. Those women are showing their ankles! Indecent! If the FCC can fine for…

  • Making the World a Little Smaller

    Longtime reader Misty writes: You probably won’t find this as exciting as maybe you would have all those months ago when this was all new, but as an artist struggling here on the East Coast, I’d like to think you’re still riding that “oh my god! is this my life?!” despite the craziness and ongoing…

  • New Entry

    You knew it was coming. Due to the comments thread after I make a Jesus joke: “What the FCC?”