What is it, in these days of stress, that keeps me happy, friendly, and relaxed? Downright pleasant, as it were?
Member-supported public folk radio.
No, seriously. Come back here.
There’s a college in New York that I’ve never been to called Fordham, and they have a radio station that I’ve never heard broadcast over proper radio waves. But they stream online, and I’ve been listening to it forever, the longest stretch of which when I was in LA and wanted to hear traffic and weather reports from New York, taking place three hours in the future. Anyway, I recently got a new, scary powerful modem in my house, and I’m so blissed out on this radio station that I may never turn on the television again. Which would get me fired from most of jobs in a hurry, unfortunately.
Rufus Wainwright. Shelby Lynne. Elvis Costello. And NPR news at the top of every hour!
Go go go: http://wfuv.org/stream.html