Month: August 2003

  • Stars and Planets

    Yesterday. 8:00am – Wonder why I thought I’d get up and work out when I have a meeting soon. No time. Shower, coffee, email, forums, email, phone calls, printing maps, etc. Stop to get captivated by the pens stee recently bought me. I am an office supply slut. Hair and makeup, change clothes again, change…

  • Farley-ing Out

    Risky, but here goes. List of Famous People I’ve Seen Since Moving to Los Angeles (incomplete) This is totally uncool and you aren’t supposed to do this at all. So much so that I had a dream last night where someone chastized me for freaking out in front of Dream Will Ferrell. Rebecca Romijn-Stamos and…

  • Speaking of Useless…

    Last night I was driving to the show when my mom called to discuss sad things. When the subject finally changed to happier things, like my cousin’s new baby, Mom sighed and said, “I’ve pretty much gotten used to the idea that Chris’ kids are the only babies that will ever be in my life.”…

  • Sometimes There Are Lows…

    Last week stee was making lunch (Macaroni and cheese, because we eat like children, like broke children fending for themselves). He was also on a conference call, moving around the kitchen with the phone crooked against his shoulder. I was antsy, and perched on a chair, watching him work, wishing that we were already eating.…

  • Mid-Clean

    I don’t have too much time, as Allison and Chris are currently packing to come for a visit. When you’re Southern you say “come for a visit.” They are also planning to “sit a spell” once they arrive. Now that Chris has his suit and bow-tie, there’s no stopping them from oozing charm all over…

  • Finally, a wrap-up.

    Finally, a wrap-up.

    I’m going to try to get it all here, all the stops, all the pictures, all the stories, stop by stop. But two weeks is a long time to remember everything, so bear with me if I forget you, or you, or even you. Feel free to email me with anything I’ve forgotten so I…