Month: May 2003

  • One Week Later

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 8, 2003: YOU DOWN WITH OAKLAND PUBLIC LIBRARY? WEB SITE ATTRACTS BOOK DONORS FROM AROUND THE WORLD Oakland, CA.– You down with Oakland Public Library? asks Pamela Ribon, novelist, aka, Pop Culture Princess of her countless cyber-fans. Pamelas Web site, or blog, has been the scene of some heart-rending activism…

  • Moms and Pop-Ins (and books, books, books)

    So, I’m a little nervous about my mom reading my book. She hasn’t done it yet, and has been so removed from the process that both she and my sister thought this book was non-fiction, and was some kind of memoir. When we proofed the excerpt, Mom asked me to fax over the pages so…

  • You Down With OPL?

    [readermail]To Pamie and Friends, To all of you unknown to us, with your cybernames and love of books…you have all renewed our sagging faith in humanity. There you are, wherever you are, responding to our need for books, in an unbelievably generous way! People who haven’t smiled in months (especially our librarian who opens the…

  • Many Books Bought; Not One Word Written

    Did you see Six Feet Under this week? That reaction the Sisto had when he saw the video for his beloved Nathanial and Isabelle, or whatever it’s called? That’s pretty much the same reaction I had this morning when I looked at The Hollywood Reporter and saw they’re making a motherfucking Grease 3. I hated…

  • The Coolest

    Happy Cinco de Mayo, y’all. I plan on drinking Pacifico and making guacamole and queso (don’t forget the Rotel Tomatoes, the most important part of Tex-Mex cuisine.) I am so incredibly proud of you guys. Check out what you did for Oakland this week: From Denise: [readermail]OK, I donated the following items to the Oakland…

  • Taylor Checks In

    Taylor Checks In

    Bonjour, people. It iz I, Taylor Dejardin. People, that iz the face I now wear every day for twenty-four hourz a day zeven dayz a week. That iz my face. You cannot change it. I worked very hard to be able to wear that face every moment of every day. I am now over eight…

  • Oakland Needs You

    Happy May Day, everybody. Here’s your good deed of the day assignment: