Month: April 2003

  • “How niiiiice!”

    I was not raised by a Southern woman. I didn’t even move to the South until I was well past my most impressionable years. But something happens when I get flustered where I turn into this Southern lady I do not know. I don’t know why it happens. It’s not like it helps me out…

  • updates and bragging

    Mostly this entire entry is to brag that my friend is on this week’s Will & Grace. He’s the man Madonna will rub her ass on. Yeah, his leg? It’s had Madonna’s ass on it. It’s the coolest leg I know. He’s also the husband of one of my Anne Heche crazy ladies, so you…

  • tales from deep throat

    tales from deep throat

    Warning. This entry isn’t for the weak. I’m about to tell a pretty gross story, y’all. I’ve outgrossed even myself, and I’m not proud of what happened to me last night, but I feel it’s important to share my story, if only for the knowledge I recently acquired. We went to dinner last night with…

  • Hi, hi, I’m Cal!

    Hi, hi, I’m Cal!

    Hi. I’m Cal! I’m Cal! Hi! hi, I’m Cal. I’m cal hi, hi, hi! Have we met?/ I’m calllll!! I love Paper Towels! And this is my paper towel pillow that I love because I’m Cal and I love this paper towel roll that I love because I’m Cal. Hi! I’m Cal. I’m Cal! Snowflake.…

  • New Snark Order

    Before I explain why Time magazine has launched me into today’s entry, I figure I must explain why I read Time magazine. But before I do that, I figure I should mention that I cannot escape The Whistler. I’ve mentioned him before, as the guy who’s been working on my neighbor’s backyard for five months…

  • bend it like bikram

    (joke totally stolen from my boyfriend) I’m not sure how I did this, but I went to the seven o’ clock class this morning. That’s seven in the morning, folks. B.C. Before coffee. If I take the 9:30 class then I’m not really showered until lunch and then there’s lunch, which isn’t fun to eat…

  • birthday week

    birthday week

    [readermail]Dear Pamie, Why is your site always down? It brings me sadness. Love, Alison[/readermail] Okay, so not only can some of you not see my site anymore, a lot of you are having problems emailing me. So, the server is moving again. I know. I know. Hopefully this will all be worked out by the…

  • Two. Eight.

    It’s my birthday. Yesterday I went to a crazy yoga class that would be “so LA” if it wasn’t “so India.” They keep the room at like, a million degrees, so you sweat the entire time. And just when you’re finally ready to kill someone for getting you to work out in a sauna for…