Month: March 2000
Look at You!
people are coming, for christ’s sake. First: a joke for the Pittsburgh people. Have you seen the new Pennsylvania quarters? Yeah, you can tell by the Giant Iggle on the back. Bah-dum-bum. Feel free to pass that one around, but give me credit. Anyway…
More Letters
letting you read my mail again. Dear Beer, I’m tired of your trickery. I can have three or four beers on a weekend evening and be completely fine the next day, but if I try and have a couple of beers on a Tuesday night you make me feel absolutely horrible the next day. It…
Things That Make You Go "Ihhhh."
not like it isn’t my fault, really. So I’m worried. About a few things. I’m worried that I’m not the right person to show people Austin. I’ve got about four days left to become a cool Austin person before stee gets here and I’m supposed to be the one to show him how cool this…
Hello! Cal Tour!
Hello! Mrr! Mirr! RIRIRIR! I am here to give tour of house! Give you Cal tour! Things I see! Things I do! Rrrri IIIH! Let’s go!
The Patch
my bad-ass timing I have a problem with timing. Perhaps it’s actually a good sense of timing, with a dash of complete obliviousness. My horrible moments often turn into very good stories, but the initial shock of what I just unknowingly did usually shadows out the humor for a short time.
taylor talks babies. Bonjour! You have missed me, no? Of course you have. I am Taylor! Oh, it haz been a very, very interesting couple of weeks around here, let me tell you, my friends. People walk in, then they walk back out, there iz much beer. Many, many cigarettes,which I thought I had seen…