
just before i call my mother.

So, the letter. What happened with yesterday’s letter?

I got another one, about five hours later:

Pamie (my nickname for you),

I understand… maybe you’ll write about this someday… I hope you understand that the person who wrote these e-mails to you loves you very much… I hope you don’t decide never to speak to me again… it would break my heart… If you need to contact me in the future, you can just call Cathy or Ray.

They got me. They got me good. I never thought it was a fake letter. Remember what I said yesterday about comedians– they find a way. “If I had read the first letter a little closer, I would have known. You said she had Tigger mud flaps. Who has Tigger mud flaps? Oh, I can’t believe I didn’t notice that.

Another letter, five minutes later:

Price of a round of drinks at the Karaoke bar: $18.00

Price of a set of Custom Installed “Tigger” mud flaps…. $75.00

Look on pamie’s face when she gets and email from the newly appointed president of her fan club


The Karaoke bar, everything you wanted a bar to be, and much, much more.

And that about wraps up that story.

My FronteraFest play opens in a week and a half. This is such a crazy time for all of us right now, that it’s hard to keep everything in order. People are moving, people are leaving the troupe, and we’re rehearsing for two different shows. I’ll be glad when February finally gets here, and then I can take a step back and reorganize how everything is going to be run.

Right now the schedule is: Every night, you are with the Monks in one way or another.

I’m sure this will backfire is something isn’t done soon. We aren’t coming up with new sketch ideas because we never have a moment to sit down and write. I’m pretty much behind in everything that I wanted to be doing, and I know I’m not going to catch up for a little while. That’s okay…. I’m trying to find a web-related job change at work, attempting to get a transfer to a place where I can just do web design and never have to answer the phone again. I swear I’m going to have ear problems when I get older.

Mom and Dad are coming to town tomorrow, and we’re going to see Chicago…

oh, I’m supposed to give her a call right now…

better go do that.

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