Tag: Support

  • inbox, part eight.

    It has been a very difficult week. Picketing in the rain was the least of the crappy things. So, when it gets like this I post mail from y’all, because it reminds me of how big and huge the world is, and how lucky I am. I kind of disappeared there for a month back…

  • inbox, part four.

    Two hours into this, and I’m feeling much better. Thanks. [readermail] Hey Pamie. I admire you for what you’re doing right now, I can’t imagine how hard it is. You are very strong and brave. I’m far away in Virginia, but sending you and the rest of the writers all the support in the world.…

  • inbox, part three.

    [readermail] Pamie, You probably don’t remember me – I met you at the first journalcon – and we had written at the time (although I’d say the last time was … oh about 7 years ago) – I still have the tae bo tapes you sent me – not that I’m using them anymore. I…

  • inbox, part two.

    Happy birthday, Anna Beth. I miss you, old lady. [db] Keep your fingers crossed for tomorrow’s negotiations… and for tomorrow night’s episode of Samantha Who? — which moves to its brand-new time slot at 9pm (8pm Central)! (Following the season finale of Dancing With the Stars!) (My life is so very very very weird.) Want…

  • day eleven. this one’s for allison.

    I am so sorry to all of you who have written emails that haven’t seen a response yet. Thank you to all of you who have written words of support or offers to help in any way, and I promise I’ll have time to write back to all of you and post some of them…

  • Subject: Go, Norma Rae, Go!

    [readermail] Dear pamie, So I’m writing you for a few reasons, the first of which are fangirly–I’ve been a longtime reader of your site (and a Gilmore Girls fan, for which your recaps are required reading), I’ve read both your novels and pressed them on anyone who would take them, and I think you, as…