Tag: Strike

  • week six. more honking, less cheering.

    So apparently I walked right past Jane Espenson today, because I was staring at the guy she was walking with, thinking, “There’s Doyle from Gilmore Girls! And on my other side I’m walking past Peter Krause for the fiftieth time!” Sorry, Jane. I really wanted to meet you. That’s a much better story than what…

  • strike life: laura and liz

    I just looked up “fatigue” on the Internet. That can’t be a good sign. I’m so exhausted, you guys. I can’t even explain it. One day during the Top Model strike, I went to visit Dan and sat with him for a second. He kept staring straight at his water bottle, the sunburn on his…

  • gentlemen, pay attention.

    I found Jenny this morning quite giggly and wiggly, bright and early for the morning picket. She was munching an apple. “Hey!” she said. “Why are you so happy?” “Oh!” she smiled, gloating. “That guy just asked me if I was in SAG!”

  • 2007 Strikers Guide to LA Studios

    This is the funniest thing to come out of the strike. When searching for your ultimate picketing destination, don’t leave your home before checking Jonathan Schmock’s Essential Strike Guide.

  • Picket Lung

    I know it’s important during week four to keep up the fight, the resolve, the rah-rah-rah, but here on week four, day four, I have woken up with a serious case of Picket Lung. That’s the Radiohead song Laura House and I wrote yesterday while we walked, because we picket in a very active construction…

  • week four.

    First: does anybody know why Moveable Type now hates me? It seems to be unable to understand that “inbox, part four” and “inbox, part five,” are not the same entry. Same with “Marathon, part one” and “marathon, part two.” Trying to rename the old entries doesn’t seem to help, as it doesn’t change them in…

  • inbox, part seven.

    [readermail] Pamie, My friend Joanne has been reading your blog for years, and when she saw you were doing a comedy show she made her fiance and I attend it. It was the one where you sang a song about M. Night Shya-ma-ly-i-an and then revealed spoilers for various movies. (The Prestige was ruined for…

  • inbox, part five.

    Oh, man, do I love that first moment when people realize they’re on “Oprah’s Favorite Things.” Those women go batshit. It makes me laugh my ass off every single year. [db] [readermail] Pamie, I’m just a tv fan, not involved in the industry, and I have to admit, I was really confused about the entire…

  • inbox, part four.

    Two hours into this, and I’m feeling much better. Thanks. [readermail] Hey Pamie. I admire you for what you’re doing right now, I can’t imagine how hard it is. You are very strong and brave. I’m far away in Virginia, but sending you and the rest of the writers all the support in the world.…

  • inbox, part three.

    [readermail] Pamie, You probably don’t remember me – I met you at the first journalcon – and we had written at the time (although I’d say the last time was … oh about 7 years ago) – I still have the tae bo tapes you sent me – not that I’m using them anymore. I…