Tag: Douglas

  • 20, Nov., 1990

    Let me start by saying I am appreciative of all the attention Little Pam has received. It’s not just the emails, the letters and poems you’ve unearthed and started posting on your own websites, or even the Facebook fan page someone started for LP (seriously), it’s this shared feeling of mortification and anxiety I’m causing.…

  • aw, go ‘ohwn.

    I had a meeting yesterday in the office across from the office where I had my very first feature general meeting, almost four years ago. About thirty seconds into our conversation — and I never do this — I asked the woman I’d just met, “Are you from Texas or Louisiana?” She stopped for a…

  • forced perspective

    This has been a hell of a week. We are in production on the episode I wrote, so every minute of the day I’m learning something. I’m very lucky that my co-workers don’t treat me like the new kid, and make me feel very much a peer. With that comes the added responsibility of not…

  • Happy Birthday, Doug

    Doug, Maybe you’ve come by pamie.com today to find out why I haven’t called you yet. It would be the first time I haven’t called on your birthday in the seventeen years we’ve known each other. And this day’s even more important– this being your thirtieth birthday. You know I tried. I guess your number…

  • Other Places

    because there’s no time It’s a busy day today. I was going to write all about why I cancelled my Jane Magazine subscription, but that will have to wait until tomorrow. So, here. Read this instead. It’s the piece I wrote for Mighty Big TV about the SAG strike. Happy Birthday, Douglas. I wish I…