Cool Kids, Take Five

We’ve had close to two hundred donations in less than one week. Thank you so much for raising over seven thousand dollars for children in Kancheepuram. Based on the Rupee to dollar conversion, the goal is now $11,428 to have every child sponsored. (that’s four hundred dollars more than I thought it was. I’m not so good with the Rupees.) We’re more than halfway there, with less than four thousand to go!




Delurking to add that I donated $30.00 a few days ago. You truly rock the party that rocks the body for setting this up.



Super fantastic idea. I donated $25. Thanks for snapping me out of my “I bought a condo, I had an expensive gas leak problem, I’m broke” stupor. Life is good. Pamie is good.



Hi Pam,

I was thinking this morning about the big controversy over the teaching of evolution, and how there are so many more important things in life that no one is getting angry about, and how even in getting angry, how can a difference be made, really? So I just donated $20 to your book drive. Thank you for putting this together and letting average people like me make a difference to kids who really need it.



Hi Pamie,

I just sent $75 in to this year’s book drive – how could I not? I wish it could be more. You’re an inspiration!!



Thanks Pamie, for doing this. My first time donating to the drive, hopefully not my last.

Jennifer Perryman


Dear Pamie,

As a longtime admirer of your site, novel, and recaps, I was glad to see that this year’s book drive came at a time when I was in a position to donate– and the means by which I have done so are, I think, especially appropriate this time.

I’ll be graduating from high school this Saturday, and in light of these accomplishments my friends and relatives have been inordinately generous in their congratulatory cards to me. After reading about this year’s book drive and its connection, specifically, to helping kids go to school, I felt it was only right to contribute some of my graduation money to this incredibly noble cause. It seems fitting, to me, that I can use the fruits of my education, so to speak, to help these children achieve their own. I’m donating $36.00.

Thanks for the opportunity, Pamie, and for the writing that brightens so many of our lives.



Hi Pam–

Just wanted to let you know I put in my $25. Thanks for doing this. It would be a bit redundant to say “you rock,” but what’s a little repetition among complete strangers? You rock.




I just sent in $50. I also mentioned your book drive on the ‘Foolish Elves – Acts of Kindness’ message board (on the Motley Fool web site) so that may get you a few more people who don’t already read

It is so exciting to see how individually we can do so little, but as a group we have a huge impact. Thanks for taking on the organization aspect.

– Stephanie


I just made a $20 donation, which my poor math skills tell me should help around four kids. Thanks for drawing my attention to the cause.



Hi Pamie,

Just a quick note to say that I sent $50 their way.




I sent $15 today. I wish I could have done more, but I’m a very poor college student freaking out over graduation this weekend. I gladly gave up my Friday night drinking money for your cause, though. Let’s see if I can get some friends to donate their Friday night money too. We can all stay in and watch a movie.





In order to restore balance to my soul after watching Britney & Kevin: Chaotic last night, I have donated $25.00 to the book drive. Thanks for all that you do.



Hi Pamie,

I donated $30. It really touched me that an amount that would be a nice dinner and a drink for many of us will send six kids back to school. This is amazing! Thank you so much for making it possible.

:) Jessie


Hi Pamie:

I’m delighted to contribute $20 to the fund. Being labeled a “cool kid” is a super-cool bonus.

Thanks for all that you do –



My company matches gifts — I mailed the form today — so that will be another $50 toward the goal.




Not sure if I am listed on the donor list…I sent $25 to Asha. Glad to be part of this!




I thought I’d never be happier to donate to charity then I was during your original book drive. You proved me wrong. 100 clams going to those kids. I’ll forgo takeout, I’ll get cheap cigs. Like they could compete with this.



Hi Pamie-
Since your book drive was going so well, I was inspired to make another donation. You can add $30 to the pot. I like thinking about 6.5 more students having school supplies.



Happy reading.
Amount: $20.00




Just donated $50. I love it whenever people do kind things for the school I teach at, so I figured I should do the same for kids in a much worse position.



Thanks for putting together this bookdrive. You are awesome. I donated $20.



Dear Wonder Killer,

I sent $51, since I didn’t want some kid to have only .9 of his school supplies. Like, all the other kids would make fun of him for his missing pencil.

Now, where is the “Make Sure AB Gets Cool Shoes” charity?

All the best,

PS — li’l bird told me that the Alvarado book drive has been closed and links put in to this drive. just to let you know.


Man, I’m feeling dumb when I’m trying to do these conversions. While I thought it was $4.61 to sponsor a child, I think it’s more like $4.76. So our decimals are getting weird when Sanjeev takes over and does the actual configuring. Just know it rounds out to five dollars a child, and you’re all putting together extra decimal kids.

Sanjeev explained it like this: “The exchange fluctuates around Rs.42-43/$. There is always an overhead from the banks and the amt that finally reaches the projects in India has recently only been between Rs.41-42/$.”

So. Four thousand dollars left. Are we going to make an amazing record and close a book drive in less than a week? That would be the coolest thing. I’d certainly owe you something if you guys did that.


I have copies of Cold Feet that just arrived. How about signed copies for five donors. Just like we did last year. I’ll have stee pick five donors at random, and I’ll email you back to say you’re a winner and send you a free copy of Cold Feet with a note from me… and maybe I can get Cal or Taylor to sign a little something, too. You know you want an official Crazy Cat Lady signature book. (Everybody who has donated so far will be automatically entered into this contest.)

Okay. Four thousand left. Five books to win.

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