Hi, Pam!
First of all, I just donated $25 to Asha. I hope to donate more when a new paycheck comes my way, as I’ve just made a couple lovely tuition payments that shrunk my checking account more than I would’ve liked.
Secondly, I haven’t read any Palahniuk though I know I should. I saw your post on Haunted so when I was killing time at Borders today, I decided to do so by reading Guts.
I hate you.
Hey Pamie,
I’m a poor, unemployed college kid but it just makes me really happy when I can help someone out. I gave $10 to the book drive because I’m so grateful for my education, and if I can make that possible for even one kid, it’s all worth it.
Hi Pamie!
I donated $25 in honor of my six month old daughter, who will hopefully never have to face a similar crisis. It is always good to reminded that education is not something to be taken for granted. Thanks for the opportunity to help!
Hi Pamie,
I just donated $25 and put the total over $9000!
I have to tell you that your book drives and constant social awareness have influenced me to (as of last September) designate part of my personal budget–$25 per bimonthly pay period–to give to some good cause. Granted, this requires that I do the research and choose a cause that I feel passionate about!
You’ve helped make giving money to organizations safe and simple–and helped us believe that yes, even $5 or $10 or $25 can make a difference in the world. You’ve shown the importance of making room to donate to the greater good on a regular basis. And the magic just keeps building, year after year. I’m so excited to finally be able to participate!
So…many thanks to you!
Katie (that’s right…another Katie)
Hi, Pamie. I’m here in San Diego. We still get a wonderful feeling from being at the receiving end of your book drive for San Diego County last year and are still enjoying all the wonderful books that came our way. I am extremely happy to be able to send $100 to the school children in the Kancheeuram villages. Thank you for giving all of us a nudge and a cause.
Hi Pamie:
I just donated $30 so some kids can get their read on.
R. Gay
Have I told you lately how much you rock! Just donated my lucky number, and am amazed to watch the numbers go up every day!
I donated $20. That doesn’t make me special. But I love the feeling that 4.34 kids are going to get the chance to go to school and learn times tables and use crayons and gripe to each other about homework because of me. And it does make YOU very special indeed for giving me, and all of us, the opportunity to get that feeling. Thank you!
– Sarah
Dear Pamie,
I keep checking the “current status” link every couple hours, and I really felt that I needed to move things along, so I donated another $25.00. With hope, we can get this thing the hell over with, so I can get on with the rest of my life.
Does that make me two cool kids or just twice as cool, or only cool in proportion to the number of children sponsored, or do I have to spread the previous allotment of cool over both donations, making each one half as cool?
HI Pamie,
I was procrastinating at work (again) and saw the drive info. I sent $25 their way. Thank you so much for doing this. You really are awesome.
Take care,
Hi Pamie,
I sent $20 today which will take care of a few kids, but by the end of the week, I’ll throw in another $80. (The donation site doesn’t accept 2006 as a year of expiration for my debit card, so I’ll have to move money to my other account to complete the donation.) We’ll probably hit the goal by then though, because when I donated it was up over $9500 already. Maybe we can get them their toilets, too!
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: You do amazing things, and you inspire others to do amazing things. With all the good karma you’re picking up, I’ll bet you always find front row parking and everything you try on (and like) will always be available in your size. :)
Right of Marriage
Hi Pamie,
I was going to buy concert tickets but then realized the show was already sold out. Then I checked out your blog and found a great place to give the $20 I was itching to spend.
I’ve always loved the idea of your book drives, and I’ve always marveled at how much people are willing to donate, mostly to places across the country or even across the world. I’m so excited to be able to participate in this year’s book drive, especially considering that I have just started teaching this year and many of my students are from India and Sri Lanka. I’m very happy to add a $40 donation to this year’s book drive.
It’s an amazing thing you’re doing Pamie. Keep up the fabulous work!
I saw what you were doing for the book drive. Congratulations. You’ve raised a shitload of money. That’s amazing. I put some more in the kitty ($50, if you need to keep track). I’m glad you’re doing this on your blog, since you have such a loyal (and deserved) following. If I put it out on my blog, these kids would have to split six pencils and a half-completed coloring book.
I just kicked in $50 to Asha. Also, my work has a matching gift program, so they should also be sending along a check for an additional $141.66 (I think that’s the amount. Our match formula is…..complicated.) I’d convert it to Rupees, but after trying to figure out what the match will be, I’m all mathed out!
Also…I work in the philanthropic field, and while toiling away today I was on charitynavigator.org, a website which evaluated the financial health of non-profit organizations. Asha was on the homepage today for being their #1 “Slam-Dunk Charity.” The charities on this list are “not only tops in terms of fiscal health, but also for respecting the rights of donors. Charity Navigator has awarded each of these 10 charities a 4-star rating for both organizational efficiency and organizational capacity. Besides outperforming its peers in terms of financial management, each of these charities also has a donor privacy policy in place. This tells us that these 10 charities are committed to fiscal responsibility and to protecting the personal information of contributors.”
So I started looking at their financials and operating stats some more (can’t help myself…it’s my job), and seriously? They’re AWESOME. I mean, we all know they do good work, but they operate well, too. Sadly, those two don’t go hand in hand as often as I like.
So congrats on picking a true winner. Now I feel doubly good about sending my money along to them. Thanks for putting all of your hard work into this!
As my birthday present to myself, I donated $20. I participated in one of your book drives for the first time last year and remembered how great it made me feel. So, instead of a new haircut or a manicure, I figured the easiest (and most rewarding) makeover I can give myself is the smile I get knowing that I helped a few kids go back to school.
Thank you for doing this Pam, sometimes it takes a little kick in the rear like this to make me remember how fortunate I am.